Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal


2023.11.27 11:20


 バスの中では、姪に勧められた小説に没頭するつもりでしたが、隣の席に座ったフィリピン人女性が計画を変えさせました。彼女は日本語を流暢に話し、娘さんの写真を私に紹介し、家族や娘さんの仕事について語りました。その瞬間、フィリピン人の英会話の先生が言っていた「フィリピン人はすぐに家族や職業の話をする」という言葉が頭をよぎり、実際に体験している状態に!(笑) そしてFacebookでのつながりを求めるクロージングスタイルに、私も笑いながら応じました。


 この26室の小さなホテルは、雰囲気がとてもよいです。一部の部屋は共用スペースを使うタイプで、私の部屋はスーペリアルーム 専用シャワー付 レイクビューとなっています。特にユニークなのは、ベッドが2段ベッドになっているところ。ウッディーな内装は、まるで自宅の部屋のような安心感を与えてくれます。そして、何よりもこの静けさが心地よい。窓から外を見ると、ライトアップされた箱根神社の赤い鳥居がうっすらと見えます。








 せっかくなので、今夜9時30分から1D1U コミュニティーの皆さんとZoomでつながり、箱根満月パワーをこれからお届けします!

A sudden one-night trip to Hakone under the full moon

"The weather seems nice today and tomorrow, so I thought about going to Mount Takao, but after checking the calendar, I realized it's a full moon. I quickly booked a room and a Hakone Odakyu bus for around noon. This means I'll be able to collect seals from both Hakone Shrine and Kuzuryu Shrine by the end of this year!

I planned to immerse myself in a novel recommended by my niece on the bus, but my plans changed when a Filipino woman sat next to me. She spoke fluent Japanese, showed me photos of her daughter, and talked about her family and daughter's job. At that moment, I recalled what a Filipino English teacher once said, 'Filipinos quickly start talking about their families and jobs,' and there I was experiencing it first-hand! (laughs) She ended up asking to connect on Facebook, and I agreed, laughing.

My intended itinerary went awry due to heavy traffic on the expressway, and I boarded the sightseeing boat at Togendai at 4:25 PM. I finally managed to delve into my novel during these 25 minutes. I arrived at Hakone Port around 5 PM, two hours later than planned. Having skipped lunch, I rushed to a Seven-Eleven at Hakone Port and grabbed a meat bun. (laughs)

This 26-room hotel has a very nice atmosphere. Some rooms share a common space, but my room is a superior room with a private shower and lake view. What's unique is the bunk bed. The woody interior gives a sense of comfort, as if I were in my own room. Above all, the tranquility is delightful. From the window, I can faintly see the illuminated red torii gate of Hakone Shrine.

Here's the exterior of the hotel. It's conveniently located near a Lawson store. The common area includes a kitchen, so simple cooking is possible. The breakfast photos I saw at the reception were surprisingly stylish and appetizing, so I immediately switched to a plan with breakfast included. I can't wait for tomorrow morning.

Here is the entrance. The entrance has a unique atmosphere unfamiliar to many Japanese, accustomed to systematic and simplistic beauty, with soft orange lights emerging from the darkness. It feels like a home away from home for foreign tourists.

There's a large sofa surrounding the fireplace, making the space incredibly cozy. As a common area, it serves as a restaurant, bar, or dining room.

For dinner, they offer bar-like dishes such as curry, pizza, chicken, and garlic shrimp. I enjoyed a sausage pizza at the counter. At 7 PM, the guests were using this space like their own living room. They were eating, engrossed in laptops or smartphones. There were only two Japanese people, with over ten tourists from various countries. It felt like I was on an overseas trip.

Looking over the lobby from the counter, I was captivated by the sophisticated, custom-ordered interior. I wondered who could have created such a unique hotel, and felt the urge to meet the owner and learn about their creative background. It felt like someone's dream brought to life.

I've been to Hakone many times, but it's surprising I never found such a foreigner-friendly hotel. It's always been mountain hotels with delicious meals and hot springs. I highly recommend this hotel. Tomorrow, I plan to visit Hakone Shrine in the morning.

Since it's a special occasion, I'll connect with the 1D1U community on Zoom at 9:30 tonight to share the power of the Hakone full moon!"