Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal


2024.01.07 11:59







GPT: 朝の訪れを告げる空は、息をのむほどの美しさで私たちを迎えます。薄暗い夜が徐々に明けていく中、空は茜色と紺色の壮大なキャンバスへと変わり始めます。細い月がまだ空にかかり、その淡い光が新しい日の始まりを静かに祝福しているかのようです。そして、その周りをちりばめるように輝く星々は、まるで夜が最後に見せるきらめきを放っているよう。











 この場所は贅沢すぎる! ここからマリンスポーツをする人たちが見えて、特にウインドサーフィンの方々が多く見られました。ぼーっと見ているだけで癒されました。





 近場1泊だけでもずいぶんリフレッシュできるものです。これでお正月行事が終わったという感じがします。(笑)今年は何が起こるのか? 楽しみになってきました。

Open-air bath, morning sun, sea breeze, and a journey of taste.

Until 10 pm, I was enjoying card games like UNO and Speed with my brother's three children. The nieces have grown up, so there was no need to go easy on them, and we played seriously. I won at Speed against the two nieces. (Laugh)

Even without cards, the app-based game 'Word Wolf' is quite fun. In this game, participants discuss a keyword, but one person has a different keyword, and the game is to guess who that person is. 

Word Wolf

After the game tournament, I wrote a blog post, and even on this trip, I went to bed at 2 am.

The hotel we stayed at is designed for large groups, so each room is about the size of a 3DK. Since it was just my parents and me, I was alone with a futon in a 20-tatami room. (Laugh) I laid two thick mattresses and had a sound sleep with the utmost comfort.

I woke up to the sound of my mother rustling about, just in time for sunrise. I was moved by the sight of a thin moon and stars in a sky tinged with red and navy blue.

It's hard to put this emotion into words, so I asked ChatGPT to describe it. (Laugh)

GPT: The dawn sky greets us with breathtaking beauty. As the dim night gradually gives way to light, the sky starts to transform into a grand canvas of crimson and navy. The slender moon still hangs in the sky, its pale light quietly blessing the start of a new day. The surrounding stars seem to twinkle with the last glimmers of night.

As dawn breaks, the crimson light grows stronger. This color, like a symbol of new hope and energy, brings warmth to the entire sky. Meanwhile, the deep navy blue lets us feel the remnants of the night, creating a fantastical atmosphere at the moment of sunrise.

In this delicate dawn, my heart fills with infinite possibilities and anticipation for the new day. The thin moon and shining stars quietly oversee the transition from night to morning, and the mingling of crimson and navy blue seems to open the door to a new day.

This moment in the morning glow feels like time has stopped, bringing a quiet beauty and peace to the start of the day. This amazing natural show seems to symbolize hope for a fresh start to the new day.

Thank you, GPT. Exactly. (Laugh)

Then I got some extra sleep and went to the breakfast restaurant around 8 am. After last night's Chinatown dinner and buffet, we had another buffet this morning. Unusually, there was an onigiri corner where you could have mini rice balls made live with your favorite fillings. There were also dried salmon and horse mackerel, and even bread baked on the spot. And it was the day for Nanakusa-gayu (Seven Herb Rice Porridge), which was well prepared. It feels like this will ensure a peaceful year ahead.

Despite the crowd, there were no shortages at the buffet, and the hotel's efforts and hospitality were evident everywhere, leaving my family thoroughly satisfied.

Then we split into pool and walking groups. My parents and I went for a walk towards the McDonald's we saw from the balcony by the sea. It had just had its grand opening on 12/20.

Moreover, it was the first time I saw such a scenic McDonald's. I thought coffee by the sea must be delicious, so I ordered via mobile. But as checkout time approached, we decided not to wait and just took photos instead.

The walk, though only a kilometer, was a bit strenuous for my father with some uphill paths. (Laugh) But we made it back to the hotel in time.

I also wanted to set foot on the sandy beach, so after checking out, my niece and I went back to McDonald's and finally had tea. (Laugh)

This place is too luxurious! We could see people engaging in marine sports, especially many windsurfers. Just watching them was soothing.

So, we stepped onto the sandy beach. The wind was strong!

After spending about an hour leisurely at McDonald's and by the sea, we returned to the hotel and joined the pool group. Lunch was at the hotel's new stylish restaurant.

Really, it's been all about eating. This pizza must have been baked in the kitchen's pizza oven. It was fragrant and delicious! 

Even a short, nearby overnight trip can be quite refreshing. It feels like the New Year's events have come to an end. (Laugh) What will happen this year? I'm looking forward to it.