Sapporo Catholic Mass Community

January 1, 2024(Mary Mother of God神の母聖マリア)

2024.01.08 05:14







Father Ken’s Message

Happy New Year. This is great day of joy the world over. Today there is hope of new relationships of peace, new discoveries to make life better for the human family, and resolutions to start afresh in areas of our individual lives.

In our Catholic Tradition today is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. The Biblical evidence for this fact is in the Second Reading according to St. Paul and in the message the angels gave to the shepherds in Luke’s Gospel chapter two, who visited the stable this morning to tell the message to Mary: “to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord…you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” The painting on the front page of your pamphlet shows this happening. Our Catholic Church made this a dogma of faith in the city of Ephesus in Turkey at a Council of Church leaders in 431. After it was announced the Catholic citizens of Ephesus ran around the city shouting, “Holy Mary, Mother of God.” That happy cheer of the Catholic believers became part of the “Hail Mary” prayer: “Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” On the Cross before Jesus died, he gave us his most precious gift, his mother Mary. He asked her to take of us. Since then, she has been the greatest intercessor in Heaven on our behalf to guide through our daily troubles and to eventually lead us back to Heaven at the end of our lives. This is the purpose of the Rosary, to not forget that we are not alone in life, Mary is watching over us and hearing our prayers.

But why do we return to the Christmas scene again on New Years Day? Mary greets us at the beginning of this New Year to encourage us her spiritual children. Without a mother no human being can have life to begin. If every human life begins with a mother, then every phase of life, a birthday, a New Year also begins with tribute to our mothers the source of our life. Mary is our spiritual mother and she wants to make this New Year worthwhile for all of us by bringing us closer to her son Jesus. Today on New Years Day 2024 we stop our busy lives to come to church to thank Mary for all that she has done for us up to now and to ask her blessing into the New Year. This is the content of the First Reading this morning, the ancient blessing of Aron: “May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.” In the stable on Christmas Day (see painting on cover of the pamphlet) God was uncovering his face to us and bringing peace. When we look upon the face of Mary’s child, Jesus, we see God, as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus is fully human and fully God. We see the face of God again when we look at the Holy Eucharist bread, because it is the source of eternal life. Without food we die within three weeks. Jesus gave us the Holy Eucharist so that we might not die spiritually, but become like him and eventually go to join him in Heaven.

Before we end, we must talk a little bit about New Year’s Resolutions. January is named after the Roman god, Janus, who had two faces, one looking to the past, and one looking to the future. When I think of New Year’s Resolutions, I fondly remember the movie The Wizard of Oz. The goal of the movie was for Dorothy to return to Kansas and her new friends also wanted to be complete. The Tin Man wanted a heart. The Lion courage. The Straw Man a brain. To become complete, they had to follow the yellow brick road to the Wizard of Oz who could fulfill their wishes. Every year each of us faces our own person weaknesses and today we also stand at the starting line of the yellow brick road again to regain completeness. Coincidently the Gospel passage this morning also shows Mary reflecting about her own life in her heart. Maybe Mary even started the idea of New Year’s Resolutions! Anyhow, it is a great tradition and very Catholic. This is the basis of Jesus’ Sacrament of Baptism; the past is over and a new life begins afresh. This same purpose is meant for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the past is dead, and we can begin anew. I think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as dry-cleaning. Whereas Baptism washes us, Confession refreshes us.

The birth of Jesus was a new start for all humanity that is why we started counting time again from his birthday.

But making New Year’s resolutions and keeping them are two different things. Sadly, most of us abandon them and try again the next year. This is because we human beings are weakened by Original Sin, which was Adam and Eve weakness relying too much upon themselves and not enough on God to make the best decisions. Thus, I think among all of our resolutions number ONE must be to keep God in our lives through prayer, Masses and Confession. SECONDLY, we must keep Mary in our lives because she is our spiritual mother. She can help teach us through the Rosary and the Hail Mary how nothing is impossible with God in our lives in 2024.