Ameba Ownd



2024.01.14 13:34

令和5年度 グッドデザインぐんま 優秀賞受賞 
 織物の街 桐生の技術を詰め込んだSAKASOのバッグ
 糸を染め、ジャガード織で丁寧に織った後 蒸し器で蒸し、水洗いをして繊維を縮める その後、乾燥させて、立体模様の生地が出来上がる 
 柄合わせをしないことで効率よく生地がとれ、 使う人には世界で1枚のバッグになる 
 すべて桐生で作られたMADE IN KIRYUのバッグ 
 大好きな桐生の街で色々な方々にご協力頂いて 生まれた商品がこのような賞を頂けて大変嬉しく思います 

 2023good design gunma Award of Excellence SAKASO bags packed with techniques from the textile town of Kiryu Received the "Good Design Gunma" Excellence Award from Gunma Prefecture After dyeing the thread and carefully weaving it with jacquard weave Steam in a steamer and wash with water to shrink the fibers. After that, it is dried to create a three-dimensional patterned fabric. Finally, each stitch is carefully sewn at a sewing workshop to complete the piece. By not matching patterns, the fabric can be removed efficiently, For the person who uses it, it becomes a one-of-a-kind bag in the world. MADE IN KIRYU bags made entirely in Kiryu Thanks to the cooperation of various people in my favorite city of Kiryu. I am very happy that the product I created received this award. thank you