Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

teamLab: チームラボボーダレス(麻布台ヒルズ)

2024.02.28 13:15
 チームラボ ボーダレスの魅力については、猪子氏が成田悠輔さんのYouTubeチャンネルで紹介している「麻布台ヒルズのチームラボボーダレス」の動画を視聴してから、ますます興味を持ちました。

 また、チームラボの代表、猪子寿之氏が語る「アートを通じて人類の世界観を変革する」というビジョンに触れ、私の見方も一新されました。この考えは、私が立ち上げようとしている「ALL EARS」コミュニティにも影響を与えました。傾聴力とコミュニケーションを通じて個人の行動や世界観を変えていくことの重要性を理解し、自分自身も「認知の革命」を起こせるのではないかと。




 一体どんな空間が広がっているのでしょうか? 暗闇から突如、ドアが開いたらそこは、まるで宇宙空間。

 麻布台ヒルズのLeamLabは、廻る順序も決まっていなく、適当に歩いているうちに、小部屋へ入る入口がみつかっていくという構造になっているので、どこに隠れ部屋があるのだろう? とワクワクしながら進んでいくことができます。その部屋に進む廊下みたいな通路ももちろん、プロジェクションマッピングな空間が広がっており、通るたびに投影の絵柄が変化しているのです。森に迷い込み、遭難したかもしれない感覚。唯一見える道標は、EXITの文字のみ。ピクトくんでさえ、あまり見えませんでした。

 フォトジェニックな場所だらけ。iPhone の時計の時間を見ることなく、さっとカメラを開いて写す。自分がいる空間よりだいぶ小さく映ってしまうので迫力が出ずに残念です。これが、カメラの中に写っているものを見ている人との境界線なのでしょう。

 プロモーションビデオ?を撮影している方までいらっしゃって、写真のフレームをちらっとのぞき込んでみたら、ハイクオリティー過ぎて驚きました。私もセルフィーをいくつか撮影してみました。商用利用してもよいのでしょうか? (笑)






 パープルの光は、瞑想中に見える光のように見えました。光と音楽がずっと流れていて、見入ってしまいます。まさに瞑想の空間です。いったいこれは何なんでしょう?(笑) 体験するしかないですね。



 毎月行きたい。(笑) 自然の中から帰ってきたような感覚さえしました。都会っ子だからそう思うのかもしれませんが。全然感想が書けたかんじがしていないので、また考え続けて何かに書くと思います。

teamLab: Borderless (Azabudai Hills)

I became increasingly intrigued by TeamLab Borderless after watching a video on Yuusuke Narita's YouTube channel, where TeamLab's founder, Toshiyuki Inoko, introduced the exhibition at Azabudai Hills. Moreover, Inoko's vision of transforming humanity's worldview through art profoundly changed my perspective. This concept has significantly influenced the "ALL EARS" community I am planning to launch. I've come to understand the importance of changing individual behaviors and worldviews through listening skills and communication. It made me wonder if I, too, could initiate a "cognitive revolution." It's said that people can only perceive the world within their cognitive reach. I'm looking forward to experiencing a new worldview transformation at TeamLab.

When I checked the ticket reservation site, it was almost fully booked for the following week. Eventually, I managed to book a ticket for a relatively quiet time slot at 3 p.m. on a weekday two weeks later. On the day, I was able to smoothly store my luggage in a locker and enter the venue despite some crowding.

What kind of space would unfold before me? Suddenly, as the door opened from the darkness, I was in outer space.

teamLab: Azabudai Hills doesn't have a set path for visitors, leading to delightful discoveries of small room entrances as you wander. This structure made me wonder and excited about where the hidden rooms were located. The corridors leading to these rooms were also adorned with projection mapping, changing patterns as you passed through, creating a sensation of being lost in a forest, with only the "EXIT" sign as a guide, barely visible.

The place was filled with photogenic spots. I frequently took out my camera without even checking the time on my iPhone, although the photos didn't quite capture the grandeur of the space. This perhaps marks the boundary between what's captured within the camera and the observer.

I even saw someone shooting what appeared to be a promotional video, and a peek at their camera frame revealed surprisingly high quality. I took a few selfies myself, wondering if they were good enough for commercial use (laugh).

Personally, I was fond of the fire-themed installations, though using them for social media made things look overly suspicious (laugh), so I settled for a selfie amidst the flowers instead.

After wandering for about two and a half hours and thinking I had visited every room, I couldn't find the one that Yuusuke Narita was most impressed by. Upon asking a staff member, it turned out to be just around the corner from where I was, near the entrance, which I hadn't noticed since I was still unfamiliar with the labyrinthine layout.

I managed to enter just as a 20-minute loop show was starting, exclaiming "WOW" at the sudden onset of the display.

I was amazed at how light could create a sense of depth.

Numerous lights were installed, including swiveling ones.

The purple lights resembled the kind of light one might see during meditation. The continuous flow of light and music was mesmerizing, truly a meditative space. What is this, I wondered? (laugh) The only way to understand is to experience it.

Before I knew it, three hours had passed. Research indicated that three hours were indeed needed to fully experience the venue. By around 6 p.m., it was getting crowded with people coming after work, and there were long lines for each room. The evening seemed to be a less crowded time to visit.

Though it's a short video, I've summarized my experience below.

I want to go every month (laugh). It felt as if I had returned from nature, perhaps a sentiment of a city dweller. I feel like I haven't fully articulated my impressions, so I'll continue to reflect and write about it later.