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2024.02.24 05:30


例会開始の2時を過ぎても、Table Topic MasterのYさん、Prepared SpeakerのSさんが来ていないというハプニングがありました。少し待っているとSさんが来たので、例会を始め、Warm upの途中でYさんも来たので、無事例会を進めることができました。

Warm upではToastmaster of the DayのMさんより、2月の祝日というテーマで、「次の日は何の日ですか?2/19, 2/22, 2/10, 2/27, 2/14, 2/19」というクイズが出されました。海外の祝日が多かったのもあって知らない祝日ばかりでした。

Table TopicsではYさんから「卒業式で一番印象に残ったスピーチは何ですか?」等の春に関するお題が出されました。6問中3問が卒業式に関するお題で、Yさんはよほど卒業式に思い入れがあるようでした。

Prepared Speachでは、Sさんが「My father in law」というタイトルでスピーチを行い、Nさんが「迷子」というタイトルでスピーチを行いました。




Today's regular meeting was held online only as Tazukuri was closed.

There was an incident where Mr. Y, the Table Topic Master, and Mr. S, the Prepared Speaker, did not come even after 2 o'clock when the regular meeting started. After waiting for a while, Mr. S came and we started the regular meeting, and in the middle of warming up Mr. Y also came, so we were able to proceed with the no-case meeting.

In Warm up, Mr. M from Toastmaster of the Day spoke on the theme of February holidays, ``What day is the next day? 2/19, 2/22, 2/10, 2/27, 2/14 , 2/19'' quiz was given. There were many holidays overseas that I didn't know about.

In Table Topics, Mr. Y asked questions related to spring, such as ``What was the most memorable speech at the graduation ceremony?'' Three of the six questions were about graduation ceremonies, and Mr. Y seemed to have a lot of attachment to graduation ceremonies.

In Prepared Speech, Mr. S gave a speech titled "My father in law" and Mr. N gave a speech titled "Lost child".

Evaluation was carried out in the same way as last time, with everyone giving a one-minute critique of each speaker. With the new method, participants had more to say and the regular meetings became more lively.

Although there was an incident at the beginning, we had a very enjoyable regular meeting this time as well.