Ameba Ownd



Noriko KATO 加藤 範子

2018.11.14 04:47



2003-2005年ドイツ、ケルン滞在を機に活動を始動。2005年よりDance-tect(ダンステクト)主宰。2016年初演サリ・パルムグレンのダンス・ドキュメンタリー映画に出演。2009年国際芸術センター青森共催公演主催、水上ステージにて発表。2011年よりEnsemble ALAZARTに参加、スウェーデン、バルセロナ(2015)にて公演。同年フィンランドにて滞在制作の他、イタリア、サレルノでの公演を機に弘前・イタリアにて公演を行う。2016年ストックホルム(ジャズ)・バルセロナ(インスタレーション)とダンスの共同制作発表。2018年メキシコ、モンテレイとメキシコ・シティにてアノニマス・ボデイの第一回目となる滞在制作を行う。


2016年ピナ・バウシュのダンサー、ジョー・アン・エンディコットの著作『さよならピナ、ピナ バイバイ』を叢文社より翻訳出版。

Noriko KATO is an independent dance artist and founder, artistic director of Dance-tect. 

She was born in North of Japan Hirosaki-shi , Aomori-ken.

She has started her independent dance artist work while she has been in Köln, Germany (2003-2005). In 2005 Noriko has been launched the dance unit Dance-tect. And Since 2007 Dance-tect is no longer dance unit but become collective performing art project hub. The works are collecting independent artists by project internationally also nationally. And aiming present showcases directly from the North of Japan to world. She is a performer, director and curator. Past international collaborators are from Italy, Sweden, Spain, Finland, USA, UK, Canada, Thailand and Denmark.

As independent dance artist workwise Noriko has been invited to ten weeks residential al’abordage ART Project touring Bangkok, Manila, Kyoto and Tokyo with 7 different countries member in 2006. In 2008 she has been appear in a Finnish dancer/choreographer Sari Palmgren’s documentary dance film Connective Pattern (2015) and more.

Kato published a translation book of "Farewell Pina. Good bye Pina" by Jo Ann Endicott, Soubun-sya, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

Noriko also has experiences of teaching at Keio University (2006-2015), Kanagawa University(2007-2015) and Nippon Sport Science University(2008-2015).