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[Pdf/ePub] Remedies Orthodox Astrology by Satyanarayana Naik download ebook

2024.03.16 11:22

Remedies Orthodox Astrology pan Satyanarayana Naik

Ebooks pour le téléchargement d'iphone Remedies Orthodox Astrology in French 9798215944981

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Ebooks pour le téléchargement d'iphone Remedies Orthodox Astrology in French 9798215944981


Remedies means doing a positive process to remove the negative effects. Negative effects are assed by1. Bhava Analysis - The House afflicted by planets needs remedies to reducethe negativity.2. Bhava Adhipathi - Lord of the house if weak needs remedies.3. Karaka of the House or Natural Karaka if afflicted needs remedies.4. Dasha Lord needs remedies because he gets Yoga or Avayoga status.5. Then there are certain general remedies required through astrology.
Never there has been a book covering in detail and accurate remediesrecommended either through right Gem, Yantra, Mulika or by Graha Puja, GrahaShanti, Graha Japa in an orderly manner. The present book REMEDIESORTHODOX ASTROLOGY by Satyanarayana Naik published by SagarPublication fulfils the remedies in its entirety.

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