Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal


2024.04.01 13:11

 アカデミー賞7冠、クリストファー・ノーラン監督の最新作『オッペンハイマー』をIMAXで鑑賞してきました。クリストファー・ノーランと言えば、『インセプション』や『インターステラー』、『TENET』など、SFチックで難解で、時系列が入り組んでいたり、夢の中の夢だったり、宇宙と地球の時間の違いだったり…というイメージがありますが、今回は史実に基づくストーリー。しかしやはり、相対性理論や量子力学などの知識も絡みながら、モノクロシーンとカラーのシーンも交差したり、原爆前と後。しかし、原爆後であっても、公聴会や聴聞会の中で、過去を回想するシーンも入ってくるので、またそこで時系列が交差します。3つの時系列、2つの視点。でもそう言うことは想定内。今回は、映画を観る前に、モノクロのシーンとカラーのシーンの違いや、オッペンハイマーの性格、マンハッタン計画とは何だったか? など、視聴前に事前知識を得ておくと理解しやすいです。


 映画では、アメリカ側の視点から、原爆投下までの裏舞台を知ることになります。マンハッタン計画がどのように招集され、どのように町ができ、実験が行われたのか? 招集されるところから、原爆を落とされた世界唯一の国の人にとっては怒りと悲しみの感情が湧いてきます。その指揮官が、マット・デイモン?!に、少しは癒されました。(笑) そして、ボヘミアンラプソディー主演のラミ・マレックも脇役で出てきてびっくりです。やはり主役で出るような俳優は、脇役であっても目立つものですね。そのほかにも50名以上の主要人物が出てくるのです。誰が誰だか分からなくなるので、後から調べることになります。(笑)








 "Oppenheimer" Movie: I Was Shaken… 

I watched "Oppenheimer," the latest film by Christopher Nolan, which won seven Academy Awards, in IMAX. Nolan is known for his sci-fi themed, complex films like "Inception," "Interstellar," and "TENET," featuring intertwined timelines, dreams within dreams, and differences in time between space and Earth. However, this time, the story is based on historical facts. Yet, it still intertwines knowledge of relativity and quantum mechanics, as well as mixing black-and-white scenes with color, depicting times before and after the atomic bomb. Even post-bomb, the film includes scenes of hearings and inquiries, revisiting the past, mixing timelines. Three timelines, two perspectives, but that was expected. It helps to have prior knowledge about the differences between the monochrome and color scenes, Oppenheimer’s personality, and what the Manhattan Project was before watching the film.

The first day was packed. For three hours, with the immersive IMAX sound, I was absorbed as if into a black hole of the narrative. I was exhausted after watching the movie.

The film provides an American perspective on the backstage events leading up to the atomic bomb dropping. It explores how the Manhattan Project was convened, how the town was built, and how experiments were conducted. Starting from the recruitment, it evokes anger and sorrow for the citizens of the only country that has ever been bombed. The casting of Matt Damon as the commander provided some solace (laughs). Rami Malek, the star of "Bohemian Rhapsody," also appears in a supporting role, surprising many. Even in minor roles, leading actors stand out. There are over 50 key characters, so you'll find yourself looking them up afterward (laughs).

The film also portrays the scientists' conflict over using scientific progress for political purposes. One scene, where a scientist tearfully questions if it’s right to end 300 years of physics advancement with a weapon of mass destruction, is particularly moving.

The initial target was the Nazis. However, after Hitler's suicide in April 1945, and with Japan lacking the means and the technology to continue fighting, the atomic bomb was developed and used in combat.

The scene of the Trinity test, the world's first nuclear test conducted a month before the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is terrifying. Even 78 years later, radiation levels are still up to ten times higher than natural background levels.

Oppenheimer understood the consequences of the atomic bomb's use better than anyone and refused to watch footage of the bombings. Thus, the scenes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not depicted. The movie focuses on Oppenheimer's perspective before the bombing. Afterward, Oppenheimer experiences deep torment. Through dialogues with Einstein, the film hints that the theory behind the atomic bomb started with E=mc².

Post-bomb scenes continue with hearings and inquiries, moving at such a pace that it's hard to keep up with the subtitles. Yet, you can generally grasp what's happening. Oppenheimer is falsely accused of being a communist spy, leading to inquiry and public hearing scenes.

The scientists' research and efforts did contribute to ending the war early, but they also led to the arms race of the Cold War era. Oppenheimer's concerns about the use and destructive power of the atomic bomb cast a long shadow over his life.

In IMAX, the intense visual experience made my body tremble. Although the end credits were unremarkable, I found myself spontaneously crying. I wasn't even sure why I was crying. When I stood up, I realized I was shaking, such was the impact of the film.