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{pdf download} Bonds of Empire: The English

2024.04.04 16:27

Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783. Lee B. Wilson

Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783

ISBN: 9781108817899 | 288 pages | 8 Mb
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Download Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783

Epub books download for free Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783 English version by Lee B. Wilson

Bonds of Empire presents an account of slave law that is entirely new: one in which English law imbued plantation slavery with its staying power even as it insulated slave owners from contemplating the moral implications of owning human beings. Emphasizing practice rather than proscription, the book follows South Carolina colonists as they used English law to maximize the value of the people they treated as property. Doing so reveals that most daily legal practices surrounding slave ownership were derived from English law: colonists categorized enslaved people as property using English legal terms, they bought and sold them with printed English legal forms, and they followed English legal procedures as they litigated over enslaved people in court. Bonds of Empire ultimately shows that plantation slavery and the laws that governed it were not beyond the pale of English imperial legal history; they were yet another invidious manifestation of English law's protean potential.

The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and
Dec 15, 2021 —
Bonds of Empire von Lee B. Wilson
Bonds of Empire reveals how English law facilitated the expansion of slavery in British America. Moving beyond an examination of criminal law, 
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Newly tenured legal historians. Lee Wilson published Bonds of. Empire: The English Origins of. Slave Law in South Carolina and. Burton's book Justice Deferred 
Scholar: Lee B. Wilson
Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783 (forthcoming July 2021, Cambridge University Press).
Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South
Bonds of Empire presents an account of slave law that is entirely new: one in which English law imbued plantation slavery with its staying power even as it 
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Bonds of empire : the English origins of slave law in South
Bonds of empire : the English origins of slave law in South Carolina and British plantation America, 1660-1783 (Book). Book Cover. Average Rating.
Bonds of Empire: The English Origins of Slave Law in South Carolina and British Plantation America, 1660-1783. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021 

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