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{epub download} God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman by Peter Cowie

2024.04.05 15:18

God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman by Peter Cowie

Free ebooks and magazine downloads God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman (English Edition) by Peter Cowie 9780571370900 DJVU RTF PDB

Download God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman PDF

Download God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman

Free ebooks and magazine downloads God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman (English Edition) by Peter Cowie 9780571370900 DJVU RTF PDB


Peter Cowie’s book chronicles the life and the 60-year film and stage career of Bergman as he wrestles of themes of love, sex and betrayal with the figure of Death hovering overhead. Blending biographical information with critical comment, Cowie presents a man whose life and work were intimately fused. ‘Bergman’s films stand alone as beacons in film history.’ Wim Wenders

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