Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal


2024.04.08 10:03








Reunion with a Former Apparel Store Subordinate After 15 Years(?)!

A former subordinate from my days as an apparel store manager, who is now contemplating starting her own business, reached out to me after a long time, and we met for the first time in about 15 years. She had visited my place before, so it’s been that long. We noticed hardly any change in our appearances; in fact, we might even look better now?! (laughs) Fashion truly is anti-aging.

Over lunch at our usual restaurant by the riverside, we reminisced about our days at the ListeA Shibuya store. She mentioned it was the most enjoyable workplace for her, and I completely agree. Memories of those fun times came flooding back, making us laugh as if we were there again. Talking about “the good old days” might seem outdated, but (laughs) when people who are happy with the present talk about the past, it seems to solidify one’s sense of self-worth, a realization that has an inward effect as well.

Reflecting in the mirror of the other, I was able to notice things about myself and realized how smoothly I could offer feedback that might expand her possibilities, drawn from my 18 years of experience since becoming independent. She took many notes from my stories, which were quotes I had gathered from my own memories and notes received from my predecessors. Today’s meeting was an unforgettable time that made me relive the events of these past 20 years like a fast-moving flashback.

And I, too, aspire to become an adult who can leave behind memorable quotes. (laughs)