Ameba Ownd


LifeCoach × ChatGPT: Daily Dialogues


2024.04.10 13:00






 32,3 歳の時に出版社の人から言われた「まだマインド系の本は書けない」という言葉を思い出しました。しかし、それから17年が経ち、私の中の名言を生かし続けた結果、今もライフコーチとして活動していることが、ある種の成果を示しています。英会話の先生のおかげで、これまでの名言が私の中で付加価値を持ち、新たな段階に達していることに気づかされました。これまで受けた名言を自分のストーリーに取り入れ、話してきましたが、これをパブリックドメインのように手放し、新たな知恵を迎え入れる時が来たのです。


When Welcoming New Wisdom

Every Friday, I traditionally work on writing the upcoming week’s “Reading Supplement” newsletter and receive feedback during my English conversation lessons. However, this week was an exception, as Wednesday marked the day of my writing endeavors. Crafting an essay based on a single concept for the newsletter demands more time and effort than blogging, resulting in a unique writing experience distinct from my blog. I strive to convert reflections of the week into concepts that resonate and communicate these to my readers.

Occasionally, content emerges that could be deemed a “godsend.” Though the intention is always to achieve this level of excellence (humorously speaking), it’s during the English lessons’ revisions that such moments truly materialize. This week was precisely one of those days.

This week’s newsletter focused on a concept revolving around “profound quotes directly received from predecessors,” which I had shared with a former subordinate. Witnessing her diligently taking notes as I relayed these quotes, I sensed these words would become essential maxims in her life. These quotes are unique, unsearchable on the internet, passed down to me from mentors and acquaintances.

Although I’ve shared these insights in seminars and communities before, presenting them in a compiled form to someone for the first time evoked a different sensation.

After reading the newsletter, my English teacher discussed the topic further, providing the insight, “The quotes that were fresh to you at 30 have now fully become YOURS (USED).” The feedback from my British teacher is, as always, exceptionally insightful! I recalled being told by a publisher at around 32 or 33 years old that I was not yet ready to write a book on mindfulness. However, 17 years later, continuing to live by those meaningful quotes as a life coach shows some form of accomplishment. Thanks to my English teacher, I realized that the quotes I had received had gained additional value within me, reaching a new level. Having incorporated these quotes into my own story and shared them, it’s now time to release them like they’re part of the public domain, welcoming new wisdom into my life.