瀬尾高志 (コントラバス奏者、作曲家)
板橋文夫(pf)と竹村一哲(ds)とのトリオ『FIT!』や板橋文夫オーケストラ、ベルリンのピアニストAchim KaufmannとのDUO、ケルンのピアニストSimon Nabatovのカルテット(坂田明as,ダレン・ムーアds) 、トリスタンホンジンガー(cello)のグループ『House of Wasps』、『BIG FOOT』(坂田明as,ヨン・ヤンセンts,ダレン・ムーアds)。『細井徳太郎タコ足イヤホンズ』、『泥砂に金』(細井徳太郎vo,g 君島大空vo,g)や、近藤直司Bs、高岡大祐tuba、伊藤志宏pf、渡辺隆雄tp、石井彰pf、石田幹雄pf、芳垣安洋dsなどの数々のグループにも参加。酒井俊、カルメンマキ、宅"shoomy"朱美、寺田町、七尾旅人、デーモン閣下らシンガーとの共演、能楽師笛方の一噌幸弘との能楽・邦楽プロジェクト、コントラバス独奏、工藤丈輝、ジャン・ローレン・サスポータス、レオナなどダンサーとの共演も多い。また、コントラバス集団『漢達の低弦』を主宰。田嶋真佐雄・田辺和弘と共に『The Bass Collective』を結成(2024年1stアルバム『瞬く森』を発売)。
ばんけいジャズフェス、横浜ジャズプロムナード、シンガポールWOMAD,RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL、PERCPAN(リオデジャネイロ、サルバドール)ASIAN IMPROVISATION ART EXCHANGE2010(ソウル)、ISB Convention 2013(Rochester.NY)など国内外のフェスティバルに多数参加。2015年8月トリスタンホンジンガー『House Of Wasps』でベルリン、オランダ、ベルギー、ロンドンツアー。2016年酒井俊との台湾公演、2017年アメリカ最古のサマーダンスフェスティバル"Jacob's Pillow Dance"に、レオナ(tap)瀬尾高志DUOで出演し大きな反響を得た。2019年、板橋文夫pf・林栄一as・ダレンムーアdsとクアラルンプール・オーストラリアパースTOUR、Perth International Jazz Festival2019に出演。2023年、BIG FOOTで台湾ツアー。2024年板橋文夫・小山彰太とのトリオで北京・上海BLUENOTE TOUR、超満員の聴衆から大きな反響を得た。
Takashi Seo (Double Bass Player, Composer)
Born in Sapporo in 1979. He started playing double bass in his junior high school brass band. Studied contrabass under Mitsuo Fujisawa. Belongs to Hokkaido University's Jazz Lab. Started performing live on the streets of Susukino and at live houses in Hokkaido.
In 2001, he traveled throughout Cuba and the U.S., giving a series of session gigs. 2006, he performed in the Yokohama Jazz Promenade Competition with “Mikio Ishida Trio” and won the Grand Prix and the Yokohama Citizen's Prize.
Using gut strings made from sheep and cow intestines, which have been used for centuries, his bass playing is thick and rich in nuance, and his arco technique, which makes full use of harmonics (overtones), has established a world of its own.
He has played with the trio 『FIT!』with Fumio Itabashi (pf) and Ittetsu Takemura (ds), the Fumio Itabashi Orchestra, the DUO with Berlin pianist Achim Kaufmann, the quartet with Cologne pianist Simon Nabatov (Akira Sakata/as, Darren Moore/ds), and the group “House of Wasps” with Tristan Honzinger (cello), and 『BIG FOOT』 (Akira Sakata/as, Yong Yandsen/ts, Darren Moore/ds). He has also participated in numerous groups including Tokutaro Hosoi's [ 『Octopus Foot Earphones』, 『Gold in Muddy Sand』 (Tokutaro Hosoi/ vo,g,Osora Kimishima/vo,g), Naoshi Kondo/Bs, Daisuke Takaoka/tuba, Shiko Ito/pf, Takao Watanabe/tp, Akira Ishii/pf, Mikio Ishida/pf,Yasuhiro Yoshigaki/ds... etc. He has performed with singers such as Shun Sakai, Carmen Maki, Taku“Shoomy” Akemi, Teradamachi, Nanao Tabito, and Demon Kogure, as well as in Noh and Japanese music projects with Yukihiro Isso, a Noh flute player, and with contrabass soloists and dancers such as Taketeru Kudo, Jean Laurent Sasportes, and Reona(Tap Dance). He also leads the contrabass group “Otokotachi no Teigen”. He formed “The Bass Collective” with Masao Tajima and Kazuhiro Tanabe (released their first album “Twinkling Forest” in 2024).
He has performed at Bankei Jazz Fest, Yokohama Jazz Promenade, Singapore WOMAD, RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL, PERCPAN (Rio de Janeiro, Salvador)ASIAN IMPROVISATION ART EXCHANGE 2010 (Seoul), ISB In August 2015, he toured Berlin, Holland, Belgium and London with Tristan Honzinger's “House Of Wasps”. 2016, he performed in Taiwan with Shun Sakai. 2017, he performed at the oldest summer dance festival in the U.S. “Jacob's Dance”. In 2019, he performed with Fumio Itabashi/pf, Eiichi Hayashi/as, Darren Moore/ds in Kuala Lumpur and Perth International Jazz Festival 2019. In 2023, he toured Taiwan with BIG FOOT. 2024 BLUENOTE TOUR in Beijing and Shanghai with Fumio Itabashi and Shota Koyama as a trio, which received a great response from the super packed audience.
With his unique sensibility and inquisitive mind, he performs without genre boundaries.