Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

春の鎌倉遠足 (1)鶴岡八幡宮~江ノ電~長谷寺

2024.04.18 08:27




 季節的には桜が終わり、紫陽花の前ということで、それほど混雑していない鎌倉でしたが、春は気温が適温ですし、お花もたくさん咲いています。ラッキーなことに晴れとなり、Perfect Day となりました。それにしても、日本人よりも外国人の方が多く、こちらが外国にいるように感じました。


 これからかなり歩くと思うので、まずは腹ごしらえから。コクリコ クレープ店にて、クリームチーズクレープです。シュガー抜きにしましたが、クレープ生地のもちもち感とほのかな甘味を感じ、久しぶりすぎるクレープをお美味しくいただきました。









 本尊は高台にあるので、階段や緩やかな坂を上っていくようになっています。ジブリの森のような濃さ! 苔の手入れをされている庭師の方もいらっしゃいました。






 テーブルがあり、休憩スペースになっています。コーヒーやお団子、寺まんを頂くことができます! 外国人ばかりなので、気分はプロバンス  ♪ を味わえます。






 ほー----!!!! これはお天気も味方しないと望めない風景です。最高の風景を姪と共有できてよかったです。




長谷寺のあとは、いよいよ鎌倉大仏とご対面です! 続く。


Spring Excursion to Kamakura (1) Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine - Enoden - Hase Temple

On a whim the day before, I set out for a Kamakura excursion with my older niece. Since it was her first time, the Great Buddha of Kamakura was a must-see, along with other "must-visit" spots in Kamakura recommended on YouTube. After narrowing it down to four, we decided to consult ChatGPT for the most efficient route. Whether to walk or use transportation, we left up to how we felt at the moment. 

◎ Today's Route 

 Kamakura Station → Komachi Street for some food (eating in front of the shops, as walking and eating isn't allowed) → Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine → take the Enoden to Hase Station → Hase Temple → walk to Kotokuin (Great Buddha) → walk about 2km to Zeniarai Benten (Ugafuku Shrine).

 Given that the cherry blossoms had just ended and it was before the hydrangea season, Kamakura wasn't very crowded, but the spring weather was mild and flowers were in bloom. Luckily, it turned out to be a perfect sunny day. Interestingly, there were more foreigners than Japanese, making it feel as though I was in a foreign country.

1. Kamakura Station to Komachi Street for some food (eating in front of the shops, as walking and eating isn't allowed)

Thinking we had a lot of walking ahead, we started with a meal. At Cocorico Crepe Shop, I had a cream cheese crepe with no sugar added. The mochi-like texture of the crepe and its subtle sweetness made for a deliciously rare treat.

Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine is just beyond Komachi Street.

This shrine was founded in 1180 by Minamoto no Yoritomo and is known as the guardian deity of the Kamakura Shogunate.

Today's fashion was an art T-shirt from my store (Renoir), and I wore a beaded necklace I made myself. The monbel top attack backpack is lightweight and simple, making it very easy to use on a daily basis.

As we head into early spring, you start to see a lot of lemon yellow around town. At a nearby traffic light, there was a man in a lemon yellow jacket, a woman in a lemon yellow top, and myself with a lemon yellow backpack, making for a funny coincidence (laughs).

After enjoying the late-blooming cherry blossoms at Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, we lined up for the front car of the Enoden to Hase Station. Even though it's not yet the high season, there were few school trip students and it was a weekday, so the crowd was moderate.

Riding the Enoden through residential areas felt like being on an amusement park ride. You often see reels of Enoden and the retro scenery of Yuigahama.

A short walk from Hase Station is Hase Temple, with an entrance fee of 400 yen. The beautifully maintained garden offered a taste of the changing seasons. The sun was strong, and I ended up using a handkerchief around my neck for protection. My niece, who hadn't applied sunscreen, started turning pink, prompting a quick purchase of a parasol for her (laughs).

The breathtaking garden was truly moving. I thought I saw a large goldfish, but there were also small killifish and water striders.

The temple, established in the eighth year of the Tenpyo era (736) during the reign of Emperor Shomu, is one of Kamakura's most ancient temples, known for its devotion to Kannon. The main deity is a wooden statue of the Eleven-Faced Kannon, one of the largest in Japan, standing at about 9.18 meters tall. It is also known for memorial services for unborn children.

Famous for its soothing Jizo statues.

Finally reaching the main hall, we received a Goshuin stamp. The main deity is the Eleven-Faced Kannon, shimmering in gold.

Beyond the main hall was a breathtaking terrace!

There were tables, and it served as a rest area. You could enjoy coffee, dumplings, and temple buns! With mostly foreigners around, it felt like being in Provence.

Since we hadn't had lunch yet, we decided to try the famous temple bun, which was just being warmed up, so we climbed further to the observation deck in the meantime. The beautiful garden continued.

Bamboo that seemed fit for Princess Kaguya.

Kerria japonica.

Soon-to-bloom wisteria flowers.

Finally, a more spectacular view than imagined spread before us!

Wow! This kind of scenery depends on good weather. I was glad to share this perfect view with my niece.

Then we returned to the terrace, and it seemed the temple buns were ready. Not meat buns, but vegetable buns, with juicy thick shiitake mushrooms, were delicious. When visiting Hase Temple, be sure to enjoy them at the terrace seating!

Our lunch ended here. We planned to return to Komachi Street in the evening for more treats.

Without worrying about time, we relaxed at the terrace seats as long as we wanted, and when we got thirsty, we stopped at a café near the entrance of Hase Temple for an iced coffee and a dry flower break. There, our paths crossed with the Spanish madam I wrote about in yesterday's article. *Yesterday's article

After Hase Temple, it was finally time to meet the Great Buddha of Kamakura! To be continued.