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A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for

2024.04.28 09:13

A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration by Christopher Hitchens, James Wolcott

Kindle ebook collection download A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration  by Christopher Hitchens, James Wolcott (English Edition)

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Download A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration

Kindle ebook collection download A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration by Christopher Hitchens, James Wolcott (English Edition)

“An extended spa treatment that stretches tired brains and unkinks the usual habitual responses where Hitchens is concerned.” —James Wolcott in his introduction   An outstanding new collection, A HITCH IN TIME is a must have for Hitchens completists and the perfect starting point for understanding one of the most brilliant essayists of all time. Anthologized here for the first time, A HITCH IN TIME is a choice selection of Christopher Hitchens’s finest reviews, diary entries and essays - along with a smattering of ferocious letters. Familiar bêtes noires—Kennedy, Nixon, Kissinger, Clinton—rub shoulders with lesser-known preoccupations: P.G. Wodehouse, Princess Margaret and, magisterially, Isaiah Berlin. A HITCH IN TIME is a banquet of entertaining stories ranging from his thoughts on Salman Rushdie to being spanked by Margaret Thatcher in The House of Lords and the night he took his son to the Oscars. The broad scope and high caliber of Hitchens’ essays allows his work to transcend the occasion for which it was written and continues to be essential reading.  Along with an introduction by James Wolcott, A HITCH IN TIME recaptures the brilliance of Hitchens - barnstorming, cauterizing, and ultimately uncontainable.

A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
“An extended spa treatment that stretches tired brains and unkinks the usual habitual responses where Hitchens is concerned.
楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア: A Hitch in Time - Christopher Hitchens
A Hitch in Time - Reflections Ready for Reconsideration - Christopher Hitchens - 楽天Koboなら漫画、小説、ビジネス書、ラノベなど電子書籍がスマホ、 
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
Description. “An extended spa treatment that stretches tired brains and unkinks the usual habitual responses where Hitchens is concerned.
Hitchens, Christopher / Wolcott, James - A Hitch in Time
A HITCH IN TIME is a banquet of entertaining stories ranging from his thoughts Reconsideration. Artist: Hitchens, Christopher / Wolcott, James Format: Book
A Hitch in Time : Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
Dec 5, 2023 —
Hitchens, Christopher / Wolcott, James - A Hitch in Time

A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration:,:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過線上網路,傳遞博雅的溫度, 
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
Book, Released by Hitchens, Christopher / Wolcott, James, on 01/02/2024.
Coming Soon - Memphis
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration By Christopher Hitchens, James Wolcott ( · A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration ( 
REFLECTIONS READY FOR RECONSIDERATION. by Christopher Hitchens ‧ RELEASE DATE Review of Books, some of which are anthologized for the first time here. The 
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
書名:A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration,ISBN:9781538757659,出版社:Twelve,作者:Christopher Hitchens,頁數:,出版日期:2024/01/02.
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
An extended spa treatment that stretches tired brains and unkinks the usual habitual responses where Hitchens is concerned.” —James.

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