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DOWNLOADS Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault

2024.05.22 22:47

Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault

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Fire from Heaven

Download ebooks for ipad kindle Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault


“Written with her usual vigor and imagination...Mary Renault has a great talent.”–The New York Times Book Review Alexander’s beauty, strength, and defiance were apparent from birth, but his boyhood honed those gifts into the makings of a king. His mother, Olympias, and his father, King Philip of Macedon, fought each other for their son’s loyalty, teaching Alexander politics and vengeance from the cradle. His love for the youth Hephaistion taught him trust, while Aristotle’s tutoring provoked his mind and Homer’s Iliad fueled his aspirations. Killing his first man in battle at the age of twelve, he became regent at sixteen and commander of Macedon’s ...

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