Ameba Ownd




2018.12.09 11:26

Scientists share MIT ‘disobedience’ award for #MeToo advocacy

「理工系女子の未来について語り合う」STEM Girls Ambassadorsによるトークセッション

通勤手当など待遇差ダメ 正社員と非正社員のルール決定

Vol.1テクノロジーのゆくえ(巻頭言インタビュー) - 仕事・働き方を知る特集「理系の選択」

日本も新卒採用よりジョブ型雇用へ 就社意識改めよう

経団連 労働政策本部長の正木義久氏に聞く

Women gain higher earnings from degrees

Q&A: It takes many people to smash the glass ceiling

At the end of the road, a new start

Considering going abroad for work? Recent research can help you weigh the pros and cons

Grad school depression almost took me to the end of the road-but I found a new start

‘Apply for our science job!’ A guide to inane job ads