Ameba Ownd



2018.12.09 17:21



We are all in the gutter, but someone of us are looking at the stars.

By Oscar Wilde (オスカーワイルド) Irish Writer(アイルランドの作家)

※gutter 名詞=ガタ―(ボウリングと同じ) 溝、排水溝、ドブ


I have never met a man so ignortant that I couldn't learn something from him.

By Galileo Galilei (ガリレオガリレイ)Italian Scientist (イタリアの科学者)

※a man=ここでは「ある男性」という訳し方は不適切であり、一般的に「人」を指している。また、一般的な人を指す単語としては「one」が用いられることもある。

※so 形容詞 that ~ 「とても”形容詞”で~」と訳す。



To those who need encouragement,remember this: Beware of quitting too soon. Dr.Seuss's first children's book was rejected by 23 publishers. The 24th publisher sold six million copies.

By Ann Landers (アンランダース)famous newspaper columnist (著名な新聞コラムニスト)

※those who~ = ~な人々 encouragement=en- (込める)-couragement (勇気)→励まし

※beware=動詞 用心する 気を付ける


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

By Ernest Hemingway (アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ)American Wirter (アメリカの作家)

※noble=形容詞 崇高な 高貴な すごい superior to A =Aより優れる


Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw of  the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

By Mark Twain (マーク・トウェイン) American Writer (アメリカの作家)

※bowlines=名詞 はらみ網(先端が輪っかのロープ)harbor=名詞 港

※trade wind=名詞 貿易風


You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.

By Julia Roberts (ジュリア・ロバーツ)movie star (映画女優)



How do you know if you really love someone? To find out, answer this question: do you want that person to be happy, even if that means being happy without you? Real love often means sacrifice. It means putting the other person's needs first. It means doing what's best for that person, even if it's hard for you. If you really love someone, then you will make these sacrifices joyfully.