Ameba Ownd


Shirahada Lab.

Visit to Illinois, Urbana Champaign

2024.05.22 01:00

全米でも屈指の実力を誇るビジネススクール,イリノイ州立大学アーバナシャンペーン校に訪問.何してきたかって?2つ.1つはcollective intelligence 研究の若手ホープのPranav Gupta博士との懇談.彼は組織のCI(知識経営の意味でのCIね)をAIアシストで高めようとしているんだ.ワクワクする研究をしている方なんです.もう1つは副研究科長のElliott Brooke教授にインタビュー.同校が掲げるMore than businessの神髄とその立案の経緯について伺うことを目的にいきました.とんでもない弾丸訪問でしたが,実際お目にかかってご挨拶をできたことはとても大事.良いご縁になりますように.というか,していこうと思います.

I visited one of the best business schools in the U.S., Illinois State University at Urbana-Champaign. There are two reasons why I visited. The first was a meeting with Dr. Pranav Gupta, a young hope in the field of collective intelligence: CI research, who is trying to improve the CI of organizations (CI in the sense of knowledge management) with Gen-AI assistants. He is doing exciting research. The second is to interview to Professor Elliott Brooke, Associate Dean and EY Professor in the Gies College of Business. The purpose of this visit was to hear about the essence of "more than business" vision and how the school came up with the idea. It was a crazy round trip, but it was very important for me to be able to meet and greet them in person. I hope it will be a good relationship, or rather, I will try to make it.