Ameba Ownd


ariURU International

国際的な食品販売事業(International food sales business)

2018.12.20 09:01


鮮魚、青果、畜産物、各種飲料をはじめ、珍味などの嗜好品、加工食品をメインに取り扱います。 アジア東地域(日本、ベトナム、オーストラリア、台湾、韓国)から選りすぐりの商品をお届けいたします。

We will start international food sales business from February 2019.

Mainly handles fresh fish, fruits and vegetables, meats, various drinks, side foods, processed foods. We will deliver selected items from the Asia East region (Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Taiwan, Korea).


We are planning to supply them to customers such as restaurants, supermarkets, and retail stores.