Ameba Ownd


The SMART Project* has started!

2024.07.08 01:02

*What is the SMART Project...A project to train SMART managers launched to accelerate the creation of a workplace where diverse human resources can work with vitality and flexibility at our company, which recently became a member of “the alliance of ‘ikubosu’ companies.”

In late May, we invited Mr. Manabu Tsukagoshi, Vice President of Fathering Japan, a non-profit organization, to give a lecture on "ikubosu," titled "the image of future bosses and team strategies that enable diverse human resources to thrive.”
Approximately 560 people attended the event, a hybrid of in-person and online, showing the high level of interest among key personnel.
After listening to Mr. Tsukagoshi's lecture, I was reminded of “the importance of communication.”
Through dialogue with our members, We felt that we could build a workplace with psychological safety and a team with trust and cohesion that respects the individuality of its members.
In particular, the values of the younger generation have changed drastically from the past with the changes in society.
I felt that supervisors should start by learning what the members in front of them are thinking and what they want through dialogue, without being bound by their own past experiences and concepts.
We have named "Ikubosu" as "SMART Managers" who can produce results in the organization with regard to "work" and can also fulfill their "life."
This is because it is not only relevant to those in life stages such as childcare and nursing care, but to all our diverse employees.
This fiscal year, I would like everyone to learn a lot about the SMART Manager philosophy and mindset.
There will also be a workshop for groups to discuss how you, as a SMART manager, can respond to issues and problems that arise in your division, as well as a lecture on childcare and caregiving that all employees can attend.
Our group will be further committed to creating a lively workplace through a variety of activities.
I would like not only key personnel but also all the employees to participate in these activities positively. Let’s achieve behavior change together.