Ameba Ownd


Kazu Bike Journey

Ride in Kyushu Day 8 (23/12/18) Part 1 Yoshinogari Historical Park 吉野ヶ里歴史公園

2018.12.23 23:12

Yoshinogari Historical Park 吉野ヶ里歴史公園 Part 1

環濠集落 (Moat Encircled Village) と言うらしい。構成は南のムラ、中のムラ、南内郭、北内郭、墓地、倉と市となっており、見つかった柱穴から建物を推定して復元(?)している。柱穴等の遺構は将来の調査のため土を被せて保存している。建物は今の建築基準、耐火基準を満たさなければ許可が出ないので苦労したと案内員が言っていた。集落の展示以外に古代森、グラウンドゴルフ場、バーベキュー場などがあり。さすが国営だけある。民間企業だと採算の課題があり、これだけの金は使えないだろう。(奈良の平城京の時も同じ印象を持った) 復元(?)された建物は少し立派過ぎる気がするが、子供たちがこの時代に興味を持つには良い刺激を与えてくれると思う。



This is where the public is believed to have lived within the Yoshinogari village. A total of 27 structures have been restored, including raised-floor structures and pit dwellings. (English explanation from Official web page)


祭壇には環壕集落の土地神(精霊) (穀霊)が祀られ、豊作などを祈る対象となった。集落の中には供物を収めておく建物があり、巫女の存在も推測される。

南内郭 (Southern Inner Enclosure)

南内郭は環壕と城柵に囲まれ、出入りを監視する物見櫓が配置されている。これは格の高い特別な場所であったことがうかがえる。南内郭はクニを治めた「王」と支配層の人々が暮らした場所と考えられ、その想定で展示が構成されている。The Southern Inner Enclosure is surrounded by a moat and a palisade, and watchtower. It was a special place with high status. It is thought that the Southern Inner Enclosure was the home of the king who founded the country and members of the governing class.

北内郭 (Northern Inner Enclosure)


This is believed to have been the most important area, not only in Yoshinogari village, but also in the whole nation-state around Yoshinogari. It is here that the dates for rice planting and harvesting, seasonal festivals and ceremonies, and the largest market is thought to have been established. It is where important meetings for matters of state are believed to have been held for the entire nation-state, and where prayers were offered unto ancestors. During the Yayoi period, it is believed that when people could not come to agreement on important issues, a high priest, with the special skill to communicate with the ancestors and god, was asked to intervene, and the decision was made in accordance with the received message.
