Ameba Ownd




2024.07.12 12:56

     Chapter Thirteen


 I am conscious of my limitations and yet I know my strength and my powers. I am filled with humility, real humility, because of myself I am nothing, merely an instru-ment of those who sent me back to your world to perform a task, those who have endowed me with all the force and inspiration, with all the power that is at disposal. 

 Myself, I am nothing, but when I represent, as I do, the mighty host of the spirit, then I can speak with certainty. Then I am repeating what they tell me to say, and they are the beings of might and majesty, the great shining ones, the evolved, the truly high in spiritual stature who strive to guide the whole of humanity. 

 I would be failing in my task if I did not speak to you of what I know. I am not so evolved as to be out of touch with what you call the rank and file. I know all your problems. I have lived in your world for a long time now. I have lived close to each one of you and have entered into all your difficulties. I can look back and see that never once was there anything insuperable. 

 Have no fear, the power of the spirit cannot work miracles because miracles do not exist. The power of the spirit can work wonders in your world provided you supply the necessary conditions. We are not on your earth. We are in a world of spirit and you have to supply us with the means by which we accomplish our work in your world. 

You are our hands, you are our bodies. You provide us with the implementsーand we can do the work.
 We are shown how far we can go, where we must not obtrude ourselves, when we must keep silent and when we must talk. There is a definite pattern and all guides must work within that pattern because they have promised to do so. I cannot go outside the limits which have been laid down by beings far wiser than I, for it is they who have decided or planned what is to be achieved in your world.

 You can call them what name you like. They are the evolved beings who are responsible for all the work that we do. They are the ones whom I have the supreme joy of meeting from time to time. I report on what I have done and am told how far I have succeeded and failed, and learn what is still expected of me.

 There is another hierarchy beyond them, and beyond them too. The chain is infinite. Our world is very highly organised, far more than ever you thought was possible. To perform this task requires a miniature organisation.

 We desire to help humanity, to teach it certain truths, so that it can avoid the mistakes that we and others have made on earth, learn from our wisdom, begin to utilise their divine powers, so that your world can be better, freer, richer and ours not troubled with the large number of misfits, unprepared, unequipped, unready souls who come here.

 I insist that all who co-operate with us should never surrender their reason, their judgment or their free will. Ours is a co-operation. We do not seek powers of dictator-ship, we do not wish to treat you as automatons. We desire that the hand of fellowship should be clasped even across the gulf of death. Together we should labour in the common purpose of spreading knowledge that will bring freedom of body, mind and spirit to millions who know it not.

 If you find that any spirit teacher, however exalted, how-ever evolved, however learned, asks you to do that which is foreign to your nature, which seems unreasonable or unjust, then reject it. Yours is the free will and yours the personal responsibility of what you make of your own lives. We cannot live your lives for you. We can help you, we can guide you and sustain you, but we cannot transfer your responsibilities to our shoulders.

 Some volunteer because they are aware of tasks to be performed in your world. Others who have reached a maturity of spiritual growth are approached by those who have taken upon themselves the task of helping humanity. I was askedーI did not choose in the first place. But when I was asked whether I would volunteer to do so, I readily assented.

 I can tell you that a very black picture was painted of the difficulties that would have to be surmounted before any progress could be made. Yet, to a large extent, those difficulties have been conquered. The obstacles that still stand in the way are very small compared with those that have been removed.

 We desire that you should live the fullest life, the life in which all talents and faculties and gifts find their fullest manifestation. Thus you will serve the purpose of your earthly being and will be ready for the next stage of life when the door of death opens to you.

 That is the standard which I lay down. I think I can say say without contradiction of my friends who have known me for a long time that I enthrone reason as the supreme arbiter.

 In our world, what you are determines what you do. It is your spirit that is the dominant reality. There are no masks, no disguises, no subterfuges, no cheats. There is nothing hidden; all is known.

 I never accept thanks. Thanks should be rendered to the Great Spirit, whose servants we all are. I strive to perform this task. I do it with willingness and cheerfulness. If any-thing I have said has been of help, then it is because I am going about my Father's business.

 You have never seen me. You do not know me except as a voice speaking to you through this body. But let me assure you that I am a very real person with the ability to feel, to know and to love.

 This is the real world, not yours. You will not under-stand the reality until you have left your earthly planet.

    ★            ★            ★

Let us thank the Great Spirit for this opportunity given to us to disperse the obstacles between the two planes of being. Let us rejoice that we can commune with one another, spirit to spirit, heart to heart, mind to mind, across the gulf of what is called death. Let us always strive to render the greatest service we can wherever we can, to refuse none who ask our help, to bring any comfort to those in trouble, so that it has always been worth their while to come into our orbit.

 Let us recognise that we are the emissaries of the mightiest force in the universe, the Great Spirit of all life. And let us discharge the duties that are laid upon us in such a fashion that we will qualify for that inner peace that comes to all those who strive to be at one with the power that endowed them with the gift of life itself.

            SILVER BIRCH

シルバーバーチの霊訓 九

十三章 おしまいに






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