Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

鎌倉 Day 2: 由比ヶ浜~江の島(江の島寺)

2024.07.21 14:55



1. 北鎌倉駅からスタート 2. 円覚寺 3. 明月院 4. 建長寺

 Day 2の朝は、昨日昼食で行った御成食堂で朝食を! と思ったら、運命のいたずらか、私たちの料理が出てくる直前に突如として停電が! 10分経っても復旧の気配なし。仕方なく朝食を諦め、ホテルに戻ってチェックアウト。予想外の展開に戸惑いつつも、旅の醍醐味かもしれないと前向きに考えることにしました。







 暑さが厳しい中、江の島へ続く長い橋を渡ります。歩を進めると、突如として赤い鳥居が視界に飛び込んできました。そこで初めて気づいたのです - ここに江の島寺があったのかと。予想だにしない出来事の上、この日が満月だったことをあとから思いだしました。偶然とはいえ、なんて素晴らしいタイミング!




 その後、ランチ処を探しました。母が目星を付けていた店を探しましたが、このあたりかなと思う場所に、ランチの看板が無くなっていたようです。別の混雑している店に入り、席を案内されましたが、座ろうとしたところで店内の雰囲気が合わずすぐに退店。さらに進むと、探していた店を発見! TVでも紹介される有名店だったようです。





**Kamakura Day 2: Yuigahama - Enoshima (Enoshima Shrine)**

On the morning of Day 2, we decided to have breakfast at Onari Shokudo, where we had lunch yesterday. However, just before our food arrived, a power outage struck! After waiting for 10 minutes with no sign of recovery, we reluctantly gave up on breakfast, returned to the hotel, and checked out. Despite the unexpected turn of events, we tried to stay positive, thinking this might be part of the charm of traveling.

Instead, we had a light breakfast at Excelsior Café in front of the station, which made us look forward to lunch even more.

Finally, we headed to Yuigahama. We decided to walk the 1.5 km distance from Kamakura Station. Along the way, we encountered unexpected delights. Stylish clothing stores dotted the route, and we admired villa-like houses, all while holding a handheld fan. As we walked, the scent of the sea gradually filled the air, making us feel closer to the ocean. The strong summer sun made us worry about the sunburn on our toes peeking out from our sandals. Hastily, I pulled out sunscreen from my bag and applied it thoroughly.

To avoid the scorching sand, we walked on the wooden deck lined with beach huts. From the deck, we had a panoramic view of the bustling Yuigahama. People enjoying marine sports and swimming filled the scene. Although it was a brief beach time, we etched the summer memories into our minds.

Savoring the sea's atmosphere, we made our way to Yuigahama Station. Next, we took the Enoden train to Enoshima. The scenery from the train windows shifted from residential areas to a sudden expanse of blue ocean, prompting cheers from inside the train. The blue sea and sky seemed to blend into one, creating a postcard-perfect view.

Upon arriving in Enoshima, we found delightful surprises awaiting us.

First, a European-style antique shop caught our eye in the shopping street leading to Enoshima. My mother instantly fell in love with handmade German accessories inside the shop. Unexpectedly, we had a lovely Kamakura souvenir, and she was thrilled.

Despite the heat, we crossed the long bridge to Enoshima. As we walked, a red torii gate suddenly appeared in our view. It was then that we realized Enoshima Shrine was here. This unexpected discovery, combined with the fact that it was a full moon day, felt like perfect timing, even though it was coincidental!

Climbing up to the torii gate, we were rewarded with breathtaking views. The sight of the sea stretching below us took our breath away.

Knowing about the limited-edition summer kirie goshuin (cut-paper shrine stamps), we took the opportunity to purchase one.

We completed our visit to Enoshima Shrine by taking the escalator to the top floor and descending the stairs.

Afterward, we looked for a place for lunch. Although we couldn’t find the restaurant my mother had her eye on initially, we finally discovered it further along. It turned out to be a famous restaurant featured on TV.

For lunch, we enjoyed sazae (turban shell) rice bowls. Although we missed out on omelets due to the morning power outage, our wish was fulfilled here with egg-topped dishes. My mother also found the grilled horse mackerel she had been craving, making her very happy. We enjoyed a leisurely, delicious meal in the calm ambiance of a tatami room, feeling fully satisfied.

We took the Enoden train back to Kamakura in 20 minutes and headed to a matcha sweets specialty store on Onari Street.

We concluded our day with matcha tiramisu. The elegant presentation in a masu (a traditional square wooden box) was delightful. As we ended our fulfilling day, we relaxed in the green car on our way back.

This trip, filled with unexpected encounters and discoveries, became a memorable experience, with every little mishap adding to its charm.