Sapporo Catholic Mass Community

August Mass Schedule 2024

2024.08.03 13:01

August 4 ( 18th Sunday of Year ) English Mass 12:30

     (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)

August 11 ( 19th Sunday of Year ) Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass12:30 

    (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)

August 18 ( 20th Sunday of Year ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)

August 25 ( 21st Sunday of Year ) Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass12:30 

    (9:00 Japanese Mass)

weekday 7:00 (Japanese Mass)


First Friday 18:30 (Japanese Mass)

August 15( Assumption of B.V.M.) Japanese and English Mass 10:00