Ameba Ownd



【通信局 気象観測部】南海トラフ地震臨時情報について

2024.08.08 19:42










 また、過去のデータに基づくと、モーメントマグニチュード7.0以上の地震の後、同じ地域でモーメントマグニチュード8以上の大地震が発生する頻度は数百回に1回程度ですが、今回のような地震の発生後は、相対的にその可能性が高まります。 南海トラフ地震には多様性があり、大規模地震が発生する震源域は今回の地震の周辺に限られず、南海トラフ全域に及ぶ可能性もあります。

 仮に最大規模の地震が発生した場合、関東地方から九州地方にかけての広範囲で強い揺れが予想され、高い津波も懸念されます。 気象庁は、今後も南海トラフ沿いの地殻活動を注意深く監視し、必要に応じて情報を発信する方針です。





At 7:15 PM on August 8, 2024, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued an emergency advisory related to a potential Nankai Trough earthquake.

At around 4:43 PM today, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in the Hyuga-nada region. After evaluating the relationship between this earthquake and a potential Nankai Trough earthquake, the Japan Meteorological Agency has determined that the likelihood of a large-scale earthquake occurring in the presumed Nankai Trough source region has increased.

As a result, it is important to stay alert to disaster prevention advisories from the government and local authorities.

Following the earthquake, seismic activity remains active, and changes have been observed at strain observation points. The earthquake was assessed as a reverse fault type, caused by movement along the boundary between the land plate and the Philippine Sea plate.

Based on historical data, the occurrence of a large earthquake (with a moment magnitude of 8 or higher) in the same region after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake happens only about once in several hundred events. However, following an earthquake like this, the likelihood of such an event is relatively increased.

The Nankai Trough earthquakes are diverse, and large-scale earthquakes could occur not only near the site of this recent earthquake but also throughout the entire Nankai Trough region.

If a maximum-scale earthquake occurs, strong shaking is expected over a wide area from the Kanto region to Kyushu, and there is also a concern about high tsunamis. The Japan Meteorological Agency will continue to closely monitor crustal activity along the Nankai Trough and will issue information as needed.

Additionally, it was noted that the moment magnitude is calculated based on the size of the fault slip at the earthquake's source and may differ from the usual earthquake magnitude.

Moving forward, the situation will be reported as part of the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Related Information" regarding crustal activities.

For more information, please see the link tree for #MCS_WOD.