Inside Of My Head

i go to the sun to say “Thank you”

2019.01.07 09:02

this is a short fantasy story that I created in Creative Writing class in high school. a year ago. 


theme in the class on the day i created this story was “oh the places you’ll go!!” , if you can go to wherever, literally wherever, where would it be??

(毎週テーマが違うのねい、それで)これを書いた日の授業のテーマは、“お〜う あなたが行く場所‼︎”、もしもあなたがどこへでも、ほんとにどこへでも行けるとしたら、それはどこ??だったの☺️

What a nice theme it is, isn’t it?.:) I really loved this class.

ちょうクールなテーマ〜じゃない😍😍 けいこのクラス大好きだったの:)

And here’s the piece.

I chose to go to the Sun, actually, to meet the sun.

For what?? Let’s begin the story☺️





To say “Thank you.” to the Sun, I go to the Sun. 

太陽に “ありがとう” って言うために、けい太陽行く☺️

What I thank for is, shining for a long time since she was born. 


Why I am thankful for that??:) It is because I think all the happinesses happened on earth is because of the Sun. If she has not shined for us, our lives have never started. So I really want to tell my appreciation to her. 


On the first day of my space journey, I say “Good-bye” to the Earth and my space journey is kicked-off. Before go meet the Sun, I head to Venus and Mercury. They are like the Earth’s brothers. 

出発の日、けいは地球にばいば〜いをして、宇宙のジャーニーの幕開けだ:) 太陽に会いに行く前に金星と水星のとこに向かったの。彼らは地球のブラザーズって感じねい:)

“Hi, Venus and Mercury! How are you guys doin!” 


“Hi, Keina! We’re great! Glad to see you.”


 “I’m glad, too:) Today, I really wanna ask you one question about my mother, Earth. Do you think she has got hurt seeing from space?” 


“Hmmmm. Actually, yes, we do. She looks like she’s been suffered from a bad fever. And she also looks sad. She loves all the lives on her. But currently, they’ve hurting each other even they are one family. That makes her unhappy and sick. So, Keina you must tell and have them realize that ’WE ARE ONE FAMILY.‘ this is gonna be a super effective help for her.”


 “I will do that, definitely.THANK YOU. You guys are the best siblings ever in universe.”

“絶対に 伝えるねい:) 有難う。 あなたたちは宇宙で1番最高な兄弟だねい。”

 “Haha. You are the best niece ever in universe, Keina.”


Getting the best key to heal my mother from her best siblings, I finally head to the Sun. 



But, there is a big problem. The Sun is toooooooo bright and hot to get close. 


Because I wanted to hug her after saying thank you, I need to get close her. What can I do?? I start meditating to catch a nice solution while I head to the Sun. 

けいはありがとうって言ったあと彼女とハグしたかったからどうしても近づきたいのです。どうしたらいいんだろうそく?? 太陽に向かう間,ナイスな解決策をキャッチしようと瞑想を始めたの:)


And the best idea comes to my mind. If I could be as hot as her, there would be no problem. Let’s do that. 

そして最高のアイデアを思いついたのびた!もしけいが彼女と同じくらい熱くなればいいんだ:) よ〜しやってみようかどう☺️

First, I asked her from far away,

“How could you be so bright and hot??”




She says

“How could I be so hot and bright?? Huhuhu, it’s LOVE for my beautiful family. Every single thing brightening in universe has LOVE. The size of love becomes the brightness of them, and the deepness of love becomes the hotness of them. My love is the biggest and deepest in solar system ;).”


“どうしてわたしが熱くて眩しいかってい?? ふふふ, それは私の美しい家族に対する愛よ。この宇宙で輝いている全てのもの、1つのこらず全てのものは愛をもっているの。愛の大きさが眩しさになって、愛の深さが熱さになるの。私の愛は太陽系のなかで1番大きくて深いの:)“ だって:)

“How simple and beautiful law it is!! So, if I had BIIIIIIIIIG and DEEEEEP love as yours, I could be as hot and bright as you, right?? Okay, I do that.”

”なんてシンプルで美しい法則な〜!じゃあ、けいがあなたのくらいお〜〜きくて深〜〜〜い愛を持ってたら、あなたくらい熱くて眩しくなれるのねい!:) よ〜しやるよ🦕“

I close my eyes and imaged treasures of my life. 


Family, bestest friends, memories, world and Earth…. 


Haha now I got so hot and bright. At the same time, I figures out that the love the Sun has is incredibly big and deep. 




Though I could not be as hot as her, I managed to close her.


“Today, I came all the way down here to tell my appreciation to you. Because you’ve shined and given us big love, everything on earth has started, and countless happiness has been born on earth. So, I really appreciate you for being always you. Thank you.”

“今日はね、感謝の気持ちを伝えるためにはるば〜るやって来たの:) あなたが輝いてくれて、とっても大きな愛をけいたちに与えてくれるから、地球の全てが始まって、数えきれない幸せが地球に生まれたの。だからほんとうに感謝しているの、いつもあなたがあなたでいてくれて。ありがとう:)”

 And I hugged. She was actually not hot but she was really warm.


When you create a story on something you are taking granted for, such as the Sun, it turns into something special for you.


Mousou aka imagination/creativity, where you can’t be the same as anyone and distributed by anyone, it’s mysterious and beautiful at the same time.


it’s like each one of us has one and only universe 🤩🤩


I do believe that every-one/thing on this planet is ONE. One big family. 


the Sun, (in my universe) told me the warmest thing ever.


Let’s shine and be hot as the Sun together by having a big big, deep deep love.:)

一緒にみんなで太陽くらい熱く眩しくなりまshow time 大きな大きな深い深〜い愛を持って:)

