Ameba Ownd




2024.09.27 13:53

    Chapter Eleven


DESPITE man's rapid and far-reaching technological advances, too often, it seems, these discoveries could result in more terrifying tools of war and destruction.

 Man's inhumanity to man continues. Will it ever cease? Will peace one day reign supreme with men and women living like the spiritual brothers and sisters they are? Is killing inevitable? Can war be justified? How does the spirit world view the increasing violence?

 In these vitally important areas of life, Silver Birch gives his answers. At one circle he was asked: "Have you anything to say to people who are very concerned with the way much of the world is going, the materialism, the violence, the dreadful things that are on the increase in the so-called civilised parts of the world? Have you a message of hope for these people?"

 The guide told his questioner:

 I would say that the will of the Great Spirit must prevail, that those who serve the causes concerned with the ameliora tion of man and of other creatures, those who dedicate themselves to the task of alleviating suffering, ending cruelty, helping wherever they can, should never lose heart. The great purpose will be fufilled in your world, slowly, gradually and sometimes painfully. You get these phases of violence, discord, clashes, war, brutality, because your world is in the melting pot. So many traditional ideas have been discarded. Youth strains at the leash. There is dissatisfaction with systems which have prevailed for too long and created privileges for people who have never earned them.

 In this maelstrom it is hard for those in the thick of it to see the divine purpose fulfil itself. But, nevertheless, if you turn back and look at history you will find there has been a gradual evolution. There is more kindness and tolerance while at the same time you have had out-breaks of prejudice, cruelty and oppression. This is part of the way in which the universe must work, by the clash of opposing forces so that what emerges is better for the whole.

 Do not be disheartened. The great and important fact is that the truths and the power of the spirit have effected lodgement in so many lands and cannot be driven out. These everywhere will continue to work their benign purpose and act as a leaven on the whole. Gradually these truths and this power will continue to infiltrate, driving out the darkness, ignorance, stupidity and cruelty, and get rid of the blemishes and foulnesses that besmirch your world. There is always good ground for hope and optimism because the Great Spirit is at work the whole time.

 Said a circle member, "Hence, I suppose, the message of what we call Spiritualism."

 This is the reason why it was decided that this break-through would be achieved, and it should not be temporary, as had happened on so many occasions in your world. What should be achieved would be consolidated and become a permanent factor on earth.

 "I see our world evolving in a spiral," said somebody else.

 That is perfectly true. When you are at the lowest point of the spiral it is a very horrible looking aspect, but the highest points are most encouraging. Do not despair. Those with knowledge should never despair. You have heard me say it so many times. The Great Spirit has been in control of the universe for a very long time and knows what has to be done. There is another side to the picture. The breakthrough is being achieved in many fields of labour and activity, overturning and overthrowing ideas, many of them false ideas that have existed for too long. Gradually the forces of love and goodness will overcome those of greed, and conditions will begin to improve.

 The great thing is to have no fear. Fear is an obstacle which is very difficult for us to conquer. Fear is negative, fear is corrosive. Fear and worry and apprehension, these disturb the physical, mental and spiritual atmosphere around you, making it far more difficult for us to get close to you.

 Those who know, however little, because none of us can know much about these infinite truths, should always maintain, or try to do so, a calm, quiescent, receptive, tranquil approach to every problem. The soul who knows should be filled with resolution and with confidence that there is nothing in your world stronger than the power of the spirit which makes all life possible. If there is any message I can give and repeat, it is banish fear and you will have peace within. And as you have peace within you will have peace without.

 Another question was: "We have had experience of young bullies, skinheads. It makes me wonder whether it is necessary to be armed when one goes out for a walk. There is no reason why we should allow them to knock us down for money. Should we fight back?"

 It is never right that evil should be tolerated or violence encouraged. It has been said that those who take to the sword shall perish by the sword. It is your duty to protect your physical body, the only means by which the spirit can express itself on earth. You should use your reason in all matters appertaining to your earthly existence. 

 Of course you should protect yourself by any means that you consider are reasonable. But you should also feel sorry for these foolish, misguided young people who are unaware of what they are doing. It is a form of mass-emotion, a kind of hysteria born of inferiority, a self-pity that desires to draw attention to itself as the only means of making others aware of their existence.

 We have no sympathy for violence, the spirit cannot work that way. The spirit expresses itself in tranquillity, calm and peace and quiet confidence. These conditions provide a means of attunement and of abolishing the bar-riers between the world of matter and the world of spirit. Violence disturbs, violence erupts, violence produces a reaction on those responsible for it. No good will come out of it so far as those who perpetrate it are concerned. Violence is one of the by-products of the gospel of material-ism.

 It is not only the young who are violent. They get the blame in the glare of publicity. The violence is a sign of your sick society which has lost its way in the pursuit of materialistic goals of selfishness. In this morass it strives to achieve a further violence, with complete indifference to the well-being of others. And it is a violence not only displayed to humans but unfortunately to animals as well.

 It is completely wrong to say that it is due to an energy that must be channelled into such negative and destructive forces as violence. People must learn to live in harmony with one another. I am reminded of those who say that you must have the poor in your world so that you can exercise charity towards them. If you are charitable, it is because you feel it is right. You should not require the sight of a beggar to kindle this feeling.

 There is so much service that the young can render with the energy they possess. Unfortunately too many have not been given the right direction. But where they have, and where they are spiritually motivated, then they are a shining example to their elders. The best of youth is to be admired; the worst is a sad spectacle.

 Try not to be engulfed by this gloom resulting from violence and terrorism. Try to rise above it, to be in the world but not of the world, to be aware of your spiritual nature, your divine potential, so that at least you become a little lighthouse of the spirit with rays that will help those seeking to find you.

 Asked about war, the spirit sage said:

 The Great Spirit, with infinite wisdom and love, has created earthly children and given them some free will. The Great Spirit has also arranged the whole of their minds, spirits and bodies so that they can unfold the divinity that lies within them which, in full flower, can provide infallible signposts as to how individuals should live.

 The Great Spirit could have created all the earthly children as marionettes, puppets, whose actions would be strictly regulated with no power of choice, no freedom. But you cannot have free will without, at the same time, the responsibilities of your actions.

 If you have the choice to do good, you also have the choice to do evil. Good and evil are opposite sides of the same coin. So are love and hate, light and dark, storm and peace. This is a polarity. Yours is the choice as to which it shall be.

 So you must come back to the motive and ask: "Why do these people wage war? What is it that they seek to share in common? Or is it to gain domination over others?" You must answer these questions. It is your world. You can make it a paradise or a hell because you have the choice and the means to do so.

 "I cannot, a single person cannot," was the questioner's comment.

 Your world is made up of an aggregate of single units. The more single units are determined to abolish greed and rapacity and cruelty and despotism, the more they are likely to succeed as their numbers grow. Your responsibility is for your life, your actions, your words, your thoughts. Nobody will ask you to pay the price or to receive the reward for what others have done. That is the law.

 It is always to the good when people pray for peace and strive to co-operate with higher beings in our world. Together they can direct power into your world to bring an end to wars, violence and all that disturbs and threatens even the civilisation in which you live.

 There will be, for a long time, outbreaks of war some-where because man has not yet learned a simple truth. All are part of one vast spiritual family. Though you may kill bodies you cannot destroy spirits. Until this knowledge is shared and put into practice through its implications by those who direct affairs in varying lands, you are bound to have outbreaks of war.

 We are not responsible for man's inhumanity to man. This is cause and effect in operation. Yes, there is a better time coming for mankind. It will and must be so. This will not happen overnight when your world will be transformed from despondency to radiant joy. It is a gradual process. As the knowledge of spiritual truth is in the possession of more and more people, their lives are lived accordingly. The systems under which they exist are contrived to enable the spirit, the mind and the body to have the experience which is necessary for their well-being, growth and attainment.

 It is the one reason why the breakthrough of what you call Spiritualism was made in the last century. This time it was part of the plan that the power of the spirit was to stay in your world, never to be driven away as was previously the case. This power will continue to enlarge its frontiers, constantly bringing an ever-growing number of people within its radius of beneficence. Grad-ually what you might call the golden age, others might say the kingdom of heaven, will be achieved on earth. I will not forecast the time that this will take. But just as physical evolution constantly is fulfilling its purpose, so on parallel lines a spiritual evolution is playing its allotted part.

 Another questioner wanted to know to what extent man is allowed to kill. It brought this response:

 I don't like the use of the word "allowed." Mankind is given free will, but in a measure that is qualified and restricted. It is not an unfettered free will enabling indi-viduals to do everything they would like to do. The bestowal of free will is part of the divine plan so that people have the opportunity of co-operating, of living in harmony with the natural laws, the infinite processes of creation, and achieving health, understanding, realisation and fulfilment. Were it otherwise, there would be no evolution no development.

 Without free will you would have human beings who are merely puppets with no opportunities for growth and progress, and more or less acting as robots. Because man has free will, man has also the responsibility as to how it should be used.

 Killing is wrong, though there are qualifications. Because you have not the power to confer life, then you should not have the power to end it. There are qualifications because there are other considerations to be met. The more you evolve spiritually the more you realise that you must act in accordance with clear principles that are based on a knowledge of spiritual realities.

 Perfection will not be achieved on earth. But there is plenty of room for improvement. Earth is only one phase of life and you will have to experience many more. You have all eternity. I do not suggest you should be indifferent to earth, but it is only a part of your whole life. Certainly strive to make it a better place. It is among the lowest of the planets in the universe. It has its evolution to achieve. And evolution is also an eternal process. Per-fection is never attained because the nearer you get to it the more you realise has to be achieved.

 Two visitors asked Silver Birch about Communism. One said, "We Spiritualists seem to spvelopment.end a great deal of our time and energy in combating and opposing the old religions which are dying. We say nothing about the one religionーits adherents would refuse to say it's a religionーand that is Marxism or Communism, which now commands the allegiance, at least in theory, of one-third of the human race. It is far stronger and more powerful than any of the old religions. There, surely, is our real enemy, in so far as it preaches a purely materialistic outlook."

 What do you mean by Communism?

 I would define it as the political, economic and social philosophy which is based on the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin.

 If by Communism you mean true co-operation, wher there is no class division, and each member of society desires to serve every other member, it does not exist in the countries which in theory practise it. Let us be clear as to what we are saying.

 The root cause of all your world's troubles is materialism. You are propounding and advocating Spiritualism, the very antithesis of materialism. You are providing evidence that it is not only a theory, but a fact that spirit is the reality. You are here today, as I am, as part of a vast spirit plan conceived by the hierarchy, with the Nazarene as its leader, to ensure that the power of the spirit was not only launched into your world, but will stay there, and that no power or combination of powers on earth will drive it away.

 Throughout your world spiritual bridgeheads are being established and consolidated, so that more can be and consolidated. The power of the spirit is here to stay in your worod, and to work its bening influence. Even in those countries where officially it is banned, it is still at work, and will continue. You have nothing to fear of what the morrow will bring forth. You do your best, co-operate with us, and you will see gradually the elimina tion of the greed that is the cancer of the world in which you live.

 The other visitor, on her son's behalf, asked if Communist guides existed. It brought this response:

 Let us be clear on what is being asked. I am not concerned with labels. These mean nothing to me. Your world worships labelsーCommunist, Socialist, Conservative, Labour, Spiritualist, Theosophist, occultist, yes and many others. It is not the label that matters. It is the goods underneath. The origin of the word Communist goes back a long time when people believed that it was right to own material things in common. This is a very good principle.

 After all, is it not just that those who have too much should give some of it to those who have too little? Does not the teacher try to transfer his wisdom to students who lack it? Sharing is part of a worthwhile principle. The whole purpose of spirit return is that we should share with you, so that you learn from us and we learn from you. It says in the Bible, "The earth is the Lord's, and all that therein is."

 This means that you cannot own anything in your world, it cannot belong to you. You can have a lease on it while you dwell on earth, but it is not yours to possess for all time. The troubles in your world arise because so many people want to try and own as much of what they think is bestーnobody wants the worst. As a result, greed, avarice, selfishness are enthroned and materialism becomes the new god to be worshipped.

 The by-products of materialism are alas all too painfully rife in your world. Misery, squalor, starvation, malnu-trition, cruelty, needless suffering, all these are the dreadful fruits of materialism. The ideal that all should share is good. Do not be frightened of a word. The early Christians tried for a time to have all things in common, and so they could be called Communists.

 It is one thing to have an ideal, but it is another to try and make it a reality by methods of torture and repression and persecution and tyranny. That is the difference. So, if you like, we have Communist guides who believe that you should share all the bounty that the Great Spirit offers. I see nothing wrong with that.

 Of man-made laws the guide said:

 There is no chance or coincidence, because everything in the universe is regulated by natural law. I have lived longer than you. As a result I have learned to marvel at the perfection of this natural law. It is perfect because infinite intelligence is responsible for it.

 You live in this land which has a reputation for the laws it has produced, many of which are regarded as a model to other countries. Yet these laws, like those pro-duced elsewhere by human beings, are very imperfect. They are always full of flaws. Circumstances arise for which they have not made provision. Other circumstances appear which show that they must be repealed because they no longer obtain. So you are constantly engaged in your world in making fresh laws due to their inherent imper-fection.

 But the Great Spirit does not have to make new laws. No circumstance has ever arisen for which provision has not been made. There is no form of life, be it micro-scopically small or majestically mighty, which operates outside the natural law.

 To end this chapter I quote the guide's statement which encapsulates a vital message:

 You cannot isolate man from his surroundings in your world. You have wars, violence, disturbances, needless shedding of blood, persecutions and massacres, which are all evidence of man's lack of development. If every inhabitant of your world lives according to the spiritual principles on which life is founded, you would indeed have the kingdom of heaven on earth.

   シルバーバーチの霊訓  十一

     七章 人類の宿題  



































─── 戦争はどう理解したらよいのでしょうか。





 そこで戦争のことですが、あなたはその動機に立ち帰って、こう自問するのです───〝なぜ戦争をしなくてはならないのか〟〝両者が共通して求めているものはいったい何なのか〟 〝それは互いに相手を支配することなのか〟  

















































           ※ ※




























───〝大戦〟(※) で戦死した人たちの犠牲は何一つ良い結果を生み出さなかったのでしょうか。(※英語で〝大戦〟Great War という時は第一次世界大戦のことをさすが、ここでは第二次大戦も含む戦争一般のこととして訳したー訳者)



















訳者注───私が〝英国の三代霊訓〟と呼んでいる 『シルバーバーチの霊訓』 と 『ベールの彼方の生活』 と 『霊訓』のうち、邪霊集団の存在についていちばん強く説き警告しているのは 『霊訓』 である。その中から参考とすべき箇所を部分的に紹介しておきたい。通信は自動書記によるインペレーターからのもの。










