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[PDF, EPUB] Download Land Over Sea by W. R. G. Fuller Full Book

2024.11.21 06:30

Land Over Sea by W. R. G. Fuller

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'Companions, this unbecoming, I say to you, resist. Death is unavoidable; no resistance will give you a thousand years. And yet, for the reason of life's impossibility, resist; resist and you may place your mark. In a thousand years, it is the valor of your resistance that outlasts your bones.' Land Over Sea is literary fiction in an epic fantasy setting on the scale of The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, distinguished by its lyricism, unflinching interrogation of theme, and fidelity to its characters. Large plotlines and unusual linguistic approaches intertwine to produce a propulsive plot and themes of sexuality, mortality, love, conduct, and strife. Elijah and Talmen are brothers, princes, who seek to live truthfully amid the crises of war. Talmen succeeds to a throne and must navigate questions of sacrifice and judgment. Elijah is taken deep into enemy country and placed within an ancient contest in which he becomes amid death and identity-shaping violence. Falyse is their companion, met during the intensity of their education, who attempts to discover allies amid the dangerous politics of generational hatred. Ilya lives in a settlement bordering a wilderness of beasts and must compose a voice amid the pressures of authoritarian language. Akarsed is an assassin searching for divinity. Land Over Sea is a convergence: it asks how to be, and interconnecting voices answer. 'Some stories resonate an hour, part of history without representing it. Other stories chart the patchwork of lives, the future and the past, strands glowing in the otherwise unfathomable dark. We have laid them together. By them we navigate the constellations of being. Use—useful to what? Relevance is certain as long as the heart seeks—and it seeks in you.' Learn more:

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