Ameba Ownd


Station MOANA


2024.12.01 08:04



【ALL 9】が 【ALL 100】 に変更されました。




24年11月 順番入れ替えされたところへさらなる変化です。

旧) Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds.

update 24.11.29 )

Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 100, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds

*All 100*- All 100 are the one hundred different stories you get to choose from to create you in this reality, but it creates you in this reality, it doesn’t allow you to live beyond this reality.

1–50 is one side of the coin, 51–100 is the other side of the coin and they are all mixed up.

They are the reason most things are conflictual rather than cohesive. It’s why we want to live on the edge rather than one side or the other.


*Bases* - Bases is the plural form of basis. A basis is the structure you use to have a right life and the structure by which you weigh and measure the loss or win of all situations.

Bases: Basesはbasis(基準)の複数形です。


*Creations* - Creations is shorthand for realms of creation, which are about how you actually have to learn how to create and recognize what you've created so that you can truly create everything you truly desire the way you would like to do it but keep not choosing.

Creations:  Creationとは創造の領域の略です。
