

2024.12.02 22:41




***だいぶ昔のドラム式洗濯機を使っているのだけれど、柔軟剤投入口によく水がたまってしまう。その時、投入用ケースを引き出す時には、軽く精神統一が要求される。肩の力を抜き、やさしくケースを水平に引き出すべく、フッと力を抜くような丹田に力を入れるような、そんな姿勢。 これが一発でできた時の達成感・爽快さと言ったら、この上ない。今日はそれを感じた朝だった。 中に溜まった水を捨て、洗濯機に戻した。**

Many people often say they'd like to keep an English journal, but they feel they have nothing to write about because they haven’t been traveling or attending events like concerts or museum visits.

I don’t do anything special either, but I have plenty of thoughts about everyday life.

For example, yesterday, I found myself reflecting on aging and the remaining years of my life. I even felt a little sad as I contemplated the inevitable farewells that will come someday. Writing about such thoughts is perfectly fine.

As for this morning, I had a little moment like this, which I decided to jot down:

I’ve been using a rather old drum-style washing machine, and water often collects in the fabric softener dispenser. When I pull out the dispenser case, it requires a bit of mental focus. I have to relax my shoulders, gently and horizontally slide out the case, and almost apply a kind of focused energy as if I’m drawing strength from my core.

The feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when I manage to do it perfectly in one go is simply unmatched.

That’s how my morning started today.

I emptied the water that had collected in the dispenser and put it back into the washing machine.