Sapporo Catholic Mass Community

January Mass Schedule 2025

2024.12.28 05:15

January 5 ( Epiphany ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)

January 12 ( Baptism of Jesus ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)

January 19 ( 2nd Sunday of Year ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)

January 26 ( 3rd Sunday of Year ) Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)

weekday 7:00 (Japanese Mass)

※except January 1-4

January 1 (St.Mary,Mother of God) Japanese and English Mass 10:00