Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

Canvaで妹の年賀状 | 10年来の水垢清掃!とれた!

2024.12.30 13:48

 今年も妹の年賀状作りを手伝いました。思えば、もう15年以上も手伝っている気がします!毎年、妹は写真と手書きの「Happy New Year」だけというシンプルなスタイルなので、これまではWordで写真を挿入して仕上げていました。手書きの文字は写真を撮影して、その周囲を白く飛ばして文字だけを抽出するというやり方です。


 デザインが完成したら、妹が調整しやすいようにiPad miniを渡し、自分の指で微調整してもらうことにしました。今までは私がWord上でマウスを駆使して細かい位置を調整していたのですが、今考えるとずいぶんアナログな方法だったなと感じます(笑)。妹のこだわりは私以上なので、もう好きなようにやってもらう方が効率的です(笑)。




1. まずはクエン酸スプレーを蛇口の根元に噴射し、10分ほど放置。これで柔らかくなるはず…と思いきや、全然取れる気配なし。「これは厳しそうだ」と諦め気味だったので、ビフォー写真すら撮っていませんでした。

2. 次に、自宅から持参した「高圧洗浄クリーナー」を使って根元に勢いよく噴射。しかし、それでもびくともしない水垢。

3. 実家にはスコッチブライトがなかったため、試しにドライバーを使って水垢を擦ってみることに。すると、なんと!ゴリゴリと水垢が剥がれ始めたではありませんか!

4. 最終的には、根こそぎ水垢を除去することに成功しました。驚くほど綺麗になり、あの頑固な汚れが嘘のよう。まるでミスドのオールドファッションにできる焦げ目のリングのようだった水垢が完全になくなり、爽快感でいっぱいです!


 掃除の仕事をしているわけではありませんが、こうなるともう「掃除のプロ」と名乗ってもいいのではないでしょうか。(笑) ここまで徹底して水垢に挑み、成果を上げるのですから、もはや職人の域ですよね。きっと「諦めない心」と「なんとかしてやる」という気合が、頑固な水垢にも伝わったのでしょう。(笑)

New Year’s Cards on Canva | 10 Years of Water Stains, Gone at Last!

This year, I helped my sister with her New Year’s cards once again. It feels like I’ve been doing this for over 15 years now! Every year, my sister keeps things simple with a photo and handwritten “Happy New Year,” so we’ve always used Word to insert the photo and finish it off. Her handwritten message was photographed, then edited to isolate the text by whitening out the background.

However, this year, I decided to step things up and use Canva, which I’ve been using extensively with its premium features. First, we scanned her handwritten message into a digital format instead of using a photo. Then, using Canva’s background removal tool, we quickly turned it into a clean text image. For the photo placement, I set up a frame in Canva where she could swap out four different pictures easily.

After completing the design, I handed her my iPad mini so she could make final adjustments directly. In the past, I had to fine-tune the layout with a mouse in Word—thinking back, it was such an analog way of doing things! Since my sister is even pickier than I am, letting her tweak it herself saved us a lot of time (and frustration!).

Finally, I opened Canva on my iPhone and sent the design to the printer. My sister is extremely particular about the subtle color differences between photo paper and regular inkjet paper, so I patiently obliged her tests. This year, we set a record—finishing the entire process in just two hours! It felt smooth and incredibly satisfying.

Afterward, my sister asked, “How did you clean the limescale around the sink in the bathroom?” It turns out she noticed the same stubborn stains that had been bothering me for years. Recently, I’ve been visiting our family home more often and decided to tackle those overlooked areas. Determined to remove those pesky limescale deposits, I even bought a special citric acid spray to prepare for the task.

Here’s How It Went:

Step 1: Sprayed citric acid around the faucet base and let it sit for 10 minutes. I expected the deposits to soften—but nothing budged. Feeling defeated, I didn’t even bother taking a “before” photo.

Step 2: Brought out a high-pressure cleaner from home and aimed it at the base. Still, the limescale wouldn’t budge.

Step 3: With no Scotch-Brite available at the house, I improvised with a screwdriver to scrape the limescale. And guess what? It started coming off bit by bit!

Final Step: After some persistent effort, I completely removed the limescale! It was astonishing to see the area sparkling clean. What once looked like the charred ring on a Mister Donut’s Old-Fashioned donut was now gone, leaving me with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

I wondered if my sister would notice—and of course, she did! (Laughs)

I’m not a professional cleaner, but this feels like a moment to dub myself a “Cleaning Pro”! (Laughs) To tackle such stubborn stains with this level of dedication and success—it’s practically an art. I think my unwavering determination and “I’ll figure this out” attitude resonated even with the toughest limescale! (Laughs)