Fashion source: Daily Journal

景信山 登山:天空のテラスでコーヒーを

2025.02.09 04:41
































カメラを構えると、なんと20人ほどの大きな団体!「こんなにいるのか」と驚きながら、撮影を開始しました。先月のセブ旅行で、Z世代の先生から「一枚の写真を撮るときは何枚もシャッターを切る」という新しい撮影スタイルを学んでいたおかげで、(笑) 今回もいろいろな角度から写真を撮ってあげました。満足してもらえたら嬉しいなと思いつつ、天狗焼きの美味しさとこの面白い出来事にほっこりした気持ちで、再び下山を開始しました。



最後のスポットとして目指したのは「TAKAO COFFEE」。以前訪れた際、ここのケーキが本当に美味しかったので、今回も楽しみにしながら向かいました。いつも混んでいるカフェですが、時間が4時前だったこともあり、待ち時間はわずか2組。比較的早く入ることができたのはラッキーでした!


Just in Time 帰路へ


いつもなら、私は電車の中で動画編集をしたりするのですが、今回は登山の疲れが軽かったのか、バディと楽しくおしゃべりをしながら帰ることができました。「今月もう1回行けるといいね」「次回は豚汁作ろう」と、次の登山計画に思いを馳せながら、冬山登山に誘ってくれたバディに感謝の気持ちを伝えました。また、私の経験値もアップ! 充実した、素晴らしい登山の一日でした。


JR 高尾駅~小仏 までバスで15分

小仏バス停 → 景信山山頂

登山口 出発時間: 10:09

山頂 到着時間: 11:08

距離: 約2.0km

標高差: 約300m


時間: 11:08~12:29(1時間21分)

景信山 → 小仏城山

出発時間: 12:29

到着時間: 13:29

距離: 約2.3km

特徴: 尾根道で緩やかなアップダウン

小仏城山 → 高尾山山頂

出発時間: 13:29

山頂 到着時間: 14:12

距離: 約3.2km

特徴: 展望ポイントが多く、尾根歩きが気持ち良い

高尾山山頂 → 高尾山口駅

山頂 出発時間: 14:37(休憩25分)

到着時間: 15:50

距離: 約3.0km

特徴: 高尾山1号路(舗装道)を使用


総距離: 約10.5km

総所要時間: 約6時間(歩行+休憩含む)




レベル感: 全体的に整備された登山道が続き、急な登りや危険な箇所は少ないため、比較的歩きやすいコースです。ただし、累積標高差が約300mあり、アップダウンが続くため、適度な体力と持久力が求められます。特に、景信山から小仏城山、そして高尾山への尾根道は緩やかなアップダウンが続きますが、距離があるため、ペース配分に注意が必要です。


景信山山頂: 標高727mの景信山山頂からは、富士山や相模湖、八王子市街、新宿方面など、360度のパノラマビューが楽しめます。山頂には茶屋があり、名物の天ぷらやなめこ汁を味わうことができます。

小仏城山: 山頂は広々としており、ベンチやテーブルが設置されているため、休憩やランチに最適です。茶屋も営業しており、季節に応じたメニューを楽しめます。

一丁平: 高尾山から小仏城山への途中に位置し、桜の名所として知られています。展望デッキからは、富士山や丹沢の山々を望むことができ、特に春の桜や秋の紅葉の時期には絶景が広がります。

高尾山山頂: 標高599mの高尾山山頂からは、天候が良ければ富士山や関東平野を一望できます。観光客も多く賑やかな雰囲気ですが、その分施設も充実しており、休憩や食事、トイレの利用がしやすいです。


A Hiking Trip That Began with a Sudden Invitation

The day before, I received a sudden message from my hiking buddy: "Want to go hiking tomorrow?" True to their usual spontaneity. "Should we go?" "Let’s do it!" And just like that, we made our decision. Though I was a bit worried about the cold of a winter hike, the promising weather forecast gave me the extra push I needed to start preparing. It had been a while since my last hike, but my regular gym workouts with added incline walking gave me confidence to test my endurance.

As part of my preparations, I consulted GPT for advice on the best places to stick those trusty pocket warmers. The answer: between the shoulder blades, on the lower back near the sacrum, and on the tops of the feet. Following that advice, I applied them and set out. At the nearest station, the sun was shining brightly, and I was relieved by the unexpectedly warm rays of sunlight.

The Privileges of Winter Hiking

Upon entering the trail, I was surprised by the number of groups hiking, creating an unexpectedly lively and reassuring atmosphere even in the middle of winter. The path started with a gentle incline that soon warmed me up, leaving me comfortable in just a thin fleece layer. I could already feel the results of my daily gym sessions.

As I passed through a serene, snowy forest, the crisp winter air seeped into every part of me, refreshing both my mind and body. Compared to summer hikes, winter trekking has the distinct advantage of being able to preserve your energy without sweating excessively, allowing for a more enjoyable journey overall.

Mount Kagenobu Summit: A Terrace in the Sky

After about an hour, we reached the summit of Mount Kagenobu. Despite the gentle slope of the course, the summit offered an overwhelming sense of openness and stunning views. A 360-degree panoramic scene stretched out before us. Chairs and tables were scattered across the spacious summit, and hikers were resting however they pleased.

There was a group of high school boys cooking instant ramen on a portable burner, adults heating water to prepare meals, and even a man who brought a hot sandwich press for some serious culinary enjoyment. Nearby, "solo campers" were eating alone at tables with perfect views, creating a heartwarming and peaceful atmosphere unique to Mount Kagenobu.

From one viewpoint, we could see the hustle and bustle of central Tokyo, glittering quietly in the distance like a completely different world. Turning our gaze the other way, the majestic silhouette of Mount Fuji stood proudly against the clear winter sky. Its contours were breathtakingly sharp, thanks to the pristine air, making it a moment that left us in awe.

Curry Rice, Banana Chips, and Coffee at the Summit

For lunch, we boiled water on a portable burner and enjoyed the simplicity of instant curry rice. The warm meal spread through our bodies in the chilly air, a perfect reward after our climb. Following this, I brewed my usual Muji-brand coffee, which turned out to be unexpectedly delicious! The crisp air and stunning views transformed an ordinary cup into something truly special.

As a treat, I brought along banana chips reminiscent of those I’d picked up on a trip to the Philippines, pairing them with coffee for a small indulgence. While city restaurants have their charm, the joy of a meal at a “sky-high table” surrounded by panoramic views is unmatched.

Even a simple instant curry rice felt like a gourmet dish at this altitude. Naturally, we began chatting about our next hike: “Should we make pork miso soup next time?” We also resolved to bring even better coffee beans. The cycle of hiking and discovering new joys keeps repeating, each adventure as thrilling as the last.

A Poster-Worthy Photo

After finishing lunch, I snapped a photo with the bright blue sky as the backdrop, only to be amazed by the result. The fluffy clouds against the deep blue created a stunning contrast, like a flock of sheep strolling through the sky. The three-dimensionality of the clouds gave the photo a dynamic quality, making it look like it belonged on a poster.

Being surrounded by fresh mountain air and awe-inspiring views, I felt completely rejuvenated. I was grateful to share this moment with my hiking buddy, which deepened my appreciation for the simple joys of hiking.

From Mount Kagenobu to Mount Takao: Mochi Making at Mount Kobotoke Shiroyama

On our way from Mount Kagenobu to Mount Takao, we strolled along a gentle path and arrived at Mount Kobotoke Shiroyama. This spot bustled with energy, filled with hikers resting and enjoying themselves. The warm, relaxed atmosphere was infectious.

In front of a small teahouse, we stumbled upon a mochi-pounding event. The scent of freshly pounded mochi and warm amazake filled the air, wrapping the area in a cozy, heartwarming ambiance. It was the first time I’d encountered such a lively, communal hiking experience, and I felt that these unexpected moments of connection with people were part of what made the Takao mountain range so special.

Mount Takao’s Summit: The Final Stairs and a Mix of Hikers

As we approached Mount Takao, the last challenge appeared in the form of steep stairs. While we could’ve taken an easier detour, we decided to tackle the stairs head-on to push ourselves a little further, especially since the earlier trails had been fairly easy.

With each step, my legs grew heavier, but I maintained a steady pace, feeling a growing sense of accomplishment as I neared the summit. Finally, we arrived!

The summit of Mount Takao had a distinctively urban feel to it, likely due to the cable car that brings casual visitors up. The crowd was a mix of sightseeing tourists and serious hikers. Dressed in full trekking gear, we found the mix amusing yet fascinating.

Having walked a different route to this familiar summit, I felt as though I had arrived at it from another dimension. It was a refreshing experience, and we took in the familiar view with a renewed sense of appreciation.

Descending via Asphalt and Tengu-yaki

After enjoying the summit, we initially planned to descend via the familiar Route 6 trail. However, my buddy suggested we take the cable car route to grab the famous Tengu-yaki. The asphalt path turned out to be surprisingly tough on the legs after a hike.

At the cable car station, a long line for Tengu-yaki awaited. Known for its delicious filling of subtly sweet red bean paste and a texture somewhere between a monaka wafer and taiyaki, Tengu-yaki was a treat worth the wait. When we finally got our hands on them, they lived up to their reputation, gently reviving our tired bodies with their comforting warmth.

Wrapping Up the Day

After descending, we headed to Takaosan-guchi Station, where we washed our muddy shoes and just caught the limited express train. Sinking into our seats, we reminisced about the day while casually chatting.

"Let’s hike again this month," my buddy said, and I couldn’t agree more. The day’s experiences—breathtaking views, unexpected encounters, and delicious meals—had added to my love of hiking. It was the kind of day that stays with you, leaving you eager for the next adventure.