今井美樹 – PRIDE
Miki Imai – PRIDE
Looking up at a single southern star,
I've just vowed to keep walking while carrying a smile
Thinking about you, I feel so sad and shed tears
I’ve lived my life just to wish on a star and pray to the moon
But now, loving you itself is my pride.
Realizing that gentleness means forgiving each other
It's the last truth
If I can love even your selfishness, I’ll be truly happy
You are the one who taught me freedom and loneliness
Every time night comes,
I become quiet and hold my quivering shoulders
But now, loving you itself is my pride.
I’ve believed that I would fly in the sky someday
If I had wings, I would fly toward your chest right now
Look up at a single southern star
It’s the nice sky
I now have a smile while crying only for your love
誓う [chikau]: swear, vow, pledge