Ameba Ownd


Birthplace of Japanese Tea

2019.02.06 20:35





Hi, everyone! 

Tata here! I had a pleasure to be conducted through Uji city (Kyoto Prefecture), the birthplace of Japanese green tea. Thanks to the efforts of Uji Tourism's volunteer guides I turn back in time and learned a lot. 

I would like to share with you some of my views. 



🍃O post de hoje é sobre um passeio histórico que fiz por Uji, a cidade onde o chá japonês nasceu.🌱Tem um pouco da história de como tudo começou, porque a região se tornou conhecida como a produtora do chá 🍵de melhor qualidade do país, e algumas outras curiosidades. 

Dating as far back as the beginning of the 13th century (during the Kamakura Period, 1192-1333), when the Buddhist priest Myoe Shonin was given tea seeds by Zen Monk Eisai (Eisai brought tea seeds back to Japan from China), plant the seeds in Kouzanji Temple (Kyoto City) surroundings and later opened a tea farm in Uji City (Kyoto Prefecture), tea cultivation has an important part of Japanese development, culture and history.

✨No começo do século 13 (Era Kamakura), o monge budista Myoue Shonin recebeu sementes de Camellia Simensis trazidas da China pelo do monge zen Eisai. Ligado ao templo de Kouzanji (Norte da cidade de Kyoto), o monge Myoue plantou as sementes nos arredores do templo, dando origem à primeira plantação de chá da história do Japão (veja as duas fotos abaixo).  Mais tarde o monge Myoue resolve iniciar o cultivo da planta em Uji, uma pacata região ao sul da antiga capital japonesa, conhecida até hoje como a produtora do chá japonês de melhor qualidade. 


Why Uji ?

The lush green rolling hills, misty climate, warm days and cool nights provide an ideal setting for plants to thrive. Surrounded by mountains, lake, river and small streams, the area is blessed with abundant minerals in its soil. Cultivation of tea spread rapidly in Uji, and has long been recognized for tea superior quality and taste. Althought only 4% of all tea production in Japan comes from Uji (the largest production is in Shizuoka Prefecture,  40%, followed by Kagoshima, 20%, Mie Prefecture, 7%), 




🍵Por que Uji? 🌱

Localizada entre montanhas, rios e lagos,  a região apresenta - em quase todas as estações do ano-  dias quentes e noites frescas, que junto das diárias neblinas formam o cenário ideal para o desenvolvimento das plantas. 

The city really came into prominence when Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu heavily promoted tea cultivation and production in the area during his 1358-1408 reign. Placed between Kyoto and Nara, Japan’s two major ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural centers, Uji became the area for tea planting thanks to its proximity to the former capitals.



Além disso, a cidade está localizada estratégicamente entre Kyoto e Nara, duas antigas capitais japonesas. Muitos aristocratas costumavam construir seus templos, santuários e palácios de veraneio ali.  

In the 15th century (Muromachi Era), Uji Tea was highly acclaimed by the Ashikaga shogunate, and thus became the top tea in Japan. While the shoguns Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Ashikaga Yoshimasa designated at the time what are known as the “Seven Famous Tea Gardens of Uji,” today only Oku no Yama tea garden remains.



Lies at the top of the hill overlooking the Byodoin Temple and Hiei Mount, Oku no Yama tea garden is designated as Japan Heritage of Culture.

Where to buy products from the only tea garden that has lasted from the Muromachi Era? 

The answer is Horii Shichimeien, an old-established Uji Tea grower and tea blender company and is among the few stores that own their own tea gardens. 


By the way, At JR Uji Station, there is an unique mailbox that looks like chatsubo (a tea leaf jar). JR宇治駅前にドドンと佇むお茶壺ポスト、ご覧になったことがあるという方も多いのではないでしょうか。実はこのポストにはモデルとなったお茶壺があるんです!

Actually, the model of the mailbox is Horii Shichimeien’s chatsubo and you can check it out in the store.

それが、こちらのお茶壺。確かにそっくりですね! 宇治茶の老舗「堀井七茗園」の店内。宇治市制50周年を記念してお茶壺ポストを作ろうとなった際に、当時の市の担当者がこの渋い緑色に惚れ込み、モデルに決まったのだとか。

【Horii Shichimeien】

84 Myoraku, Uji, Uji City, Kyoto

Tel: +81 774-23-1118

8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Website: (in Japanese)

Tea flower (Camellia Sinensis)

The old tea leaves have become a deep burnished green color. It is proof of tea tree absorbing enough nutrients. Covered with morning fog of Uji River, the tea buds grow and all of them are ready to be picked around the day of Hachi ju hachi ya (the eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring, which falls right around May 1st or 2nd) every year. The number 8 is considered auspicious in Japan (This is due to its shape – 八. Called suehirogari (末広がり), it's lucky because it widens at the bottom which reminds one of prosperity and growth). So the 88th day sounds very lucky. Tea picked on this day is said to give the drinker long life.

Haiken Mado (Looking Window)

Selected as an important cultural lansdcape of Japan, Haiken Mado is an important tool for perfoming Uji green tea quality control.

Located under a source of direct natural light, the slanted upper planks act as a window, while the lower section creates an enclosure for inspection of tea leaves.


Selecionada como importante cenário cultural do Japão, a Janela de Observação, localizada numa fonte direta de luz natural, é um importante objeto para a avaliação das plantas de chá.  

Around 30 years ago haiken mado became obsolete, but it was renovated in 2014. It has come to be seen as a universal symbol among tea sellers.


Entretanto, nos últimos 30 anos ela ficou esquecida, até que em 2014 foi renovada e é até hoje utilizada em workshops. Você pode conferir a Janela de Observação na loja da companhia, que fica a poucos minutos andando da estação JR Uji de trens.

Haiken Mado (Looking Window) is part of Nakamura Tokichi Uji main shop, a well-know established tea wholesaler since 1854. Over 160 years of history! Wow! 


From the entrance, to the right of the entrance is a tea factory, built around 1920 and to the left, dwelling quarters. The building also has a shop and a cafeteria (opened in 2011).


À esquerda da cortina clara da loja Nakamura Tokichi fica o espaço que era utilizado como quartos e casa da família de Nakamura Tochiki, o fundador da empresa. À direita fica a fábrica, loja, jardim japonês e um café. 


Nakamura Tokichi`s main store. Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture. Close to JR Uji Train Station.


 中村藤吉 宇治本店

〒611-0021 京都府宇治市宇治壱番10


On the first Sunday of October,  the Uji tea festival is held to offer memorial service to the three great men made great contributions to the tea industry of Uji and the way of tea: Zen Master Eisai who brought tea seeds to Japan, Priest Myoe who planted the seeds at Uji, and Rikyu Sen who had a profound influence on the way of tea and tea ceremonies.

On the day of the festival, water is drawn from the Uji River at the “san-no-ma” position of the Uji Bridge. Water is then carried to the main hall of the Kosho-ji temple for the beginning of the ritual. Such ceremonies as “Chatsubo no kuchikiri no gi” (Opening the seal of the tea jar) and “Kencha no gi” (Offering the new tea to the founder) are performed. The tea is made by a grand master of either the Urasenke or Omotesenke school in turn.


🍡茶だんご 🍵

Dango are sweet rice dumplings that come in various flavors, such as red bean paste (anko), green tea and soy sauce syrup. My favorite is a classic green tea flavored called Chadango. This time I got some from Surugaya shop.


Dango são bolinhas doces de arroz. São encontradas em diversos sabores, como anko (feijão doce), molho de soja.... o meu favorito é o de chá verde, conhecido como “chadango”. Quase todas as diversas lojas de doces de Uji vendem o chadango. Dessa vez eu peguei alguns da loja Surugaya, que fica bem próxima da Ponte de Uji. 





