Ameba Ownd


omoyotai's Ownd

Only the Brave stream public 185

2019.02.14 10:50


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This had all the ingredients to make it a 10/10 but sadly it failed to deliver .
I wouldn't want to take anything away from the brave firefighters on which this story is based and I feel now compelled to learn about the actual events .
If I use THE PERFECT STORM as the benchmark for a film of this nature , this fell short on too many levels .
This is the type of film that should make you feel emotional and cry . The only characters and relationship that I felt any attachment were the Eminem looking chap and Jenifer Connolly . Jeff Bridges looked more like Beau Bridges !
Ultimately it spent too long getting to the finale - the build should have engaged you more , the final half hour was the strongest part of the film but it was an uphill struggle to get there
But the good news is it has got the story out there and shows the debt of gratitude owed to those who put their lives on the line to protect others . I had no idea of the actual story and I definitely recommend you DO NOT look it up before seeing the film as it will spoil the suspense .
Pad.A 5.5/10'.

😭😭😭😭😭 only the brave movie Did they just show Michael Shannon's character dying in the trailer? THE SHAPE OF WATER THE HELLBOY PREQUEL


This has to be abe Sapian come on joop - homme or Diesel only the brave? only the brave true story Only the braves only the brave showtimes It's as though they played Bioshock fifty times before making this, the style and music is straight from that game! only the brave film General Zod being General Zod at least, in the end, all of them had been well done only the brave 2017 What are the ratings and certificates for Only the Brave - 1994

im sooo gonna watch this


only the brave movie 2018 music only the brave One of the best movies I have seen this year. Told my wife to watch it, and she might feel a bit touched in the end. I did not notice the kid in the gym hall. I cracked up the 2 nd time I watched it as a father..


As the daughter of a firefighter, it makes me happy and equally sad to see the portrayal of what firefighters go thru. I get so choked up seeing this because all I can think of is my father. This film is spectacular.. do weak souls go to hell and only the brave souls go to heaven?


The hardest scene to watch in this movie right here. I still shake from seeing it Easily the most underrated film of 2017. The last 20 minutes of this movie is one of the most gut wrenching, devastating, upsetting, sad things in all movies. They did a fantastic job with this movie and honoring these hero’s. I’m so sorry for their loss.

only the brave Cried so hard during the last ten minutes. Truly a great movie and very sad MUTE WHITE WOMAN FALLS IN LOVE WITH ILLEGAL AMAZONIAN IMMIGRANT! only the brave cologne only the brave soundtrack ABE!!!!!!! When was Only the Brave created Finally the trailer is on YouTube. Acording to the Amazon folklore this guys atracts woment to the shores so he can impregnate them, just that and simple. Trust me, im brazilian hueuhehue..

This are the type of movie that should make ton of money! Not games or any others.

Only+the+brave new

5 years ago this day. Never forget them.

True heroes rip u will never be forgotten


#awesome Doug Jones played Abe Sapien in Hellboy and according to IMDb he plays an unnamed character in The Shape of Water. So it is a good bet that this is an origin story for Abe.


only the brave diesel for men

what aftershave is better diesel only the brave or paco rabbane 1 million?

i love you
