Ameba Ownd


(pc) filelist moviewatcher Trump: The Art of de_nuke help me find cinema

2019.02.14 17:36


➜➛➜➛ DOWNLOAD Trump: The Art of de_nuke ⟵⟸⟵⟸





Love it


Best channel on the Youtube.

4:41 xD send jeb bush the definition of 'never'


Donald Trump spent first two decades of his working life accomplishing things that many said could not be done ... He Still Does. At the end of his book, he promised to continue to put two of his best skills to good use: overcoming obstacles and motivating people to do their best work... Yes, He fulfilled it..

We, the people, will remember those that enabled trump to violate our laws and our constitution. Republicans should be nervous..


November 2018 Democratic majority elected in House Trump has zero OBJECTIVITY because he was born into a bubble of affluenza I really wish Tony Schwartz hadn't stepped on Barbara Res as she was recounting the moment Trump changed. He had nothing better to add, she clearly didn't appreciate it, and Ari is so full of himself he didn't even notice.. OMG, Trump is still passing out those red Make America White Again hats! Just disgusting .. especially with the Federal workers and their families suffering needlessly because of his lack of heart and morals. Creep!.



Trump is a failure all his life. I don't think he own any company, he just own the name on the the building..

(45) ..he is barely human. Just a tragic reality. No ability to empathize, be compassionate, or to be an adult. Unfit. Unhinged from reality.

So the US puts out a communist style propaganda video under Dotard Trump—not surprising. 😆

August 2017 Wall not an emergency


Nice to have a President with the balls to actually speak his mind, he a damn savage ≧∇≦

Has anyone ever read about his fathers mentor Roy Cohn? Idk why the pattern is so difficult for you all to pick up on. He takes whatever he is being criticized about, accuses you of doing the same (until there’s no difference between what he’s doing and accusing you of) and moves on. Winning isn’t the same as being correct... remember that. Just because he gets his way doesn’t mean it’s good for us..