sahazunori's Ownd

Vodlocker Release Subtitles Croatian Italian UTorrent Elizabeth Blue 154

2019.02.15 01:48


➞→➟ WATCH Elizabeth Blue ⇦⬅⇦






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Sad to see so much hatred in the the movie doesn't look all that good you know Hollywood is going to hit these events at some point...just like the decided to dramatize the Detroit riots that left our city divided I don't care what you believe...who you say who you say was involved...the FACT remains almost 3,000 PEOPLE living breathing HUMAN BEINGS were killed and tens of thousands more were affected....the families and friends and coworkers....all the people who knew the victims lost someone that day and our nation was changed forever This wasn't the first attack on our soil nor was it the last....and tomorrow all the specials that have aired since 2001 will reair along with any new ones that honor those lost and those who lived along with all the responders who jumped in to do their many forget it wasn't just hose on the planes but those who went in after them....firefighters police EMT....and ordinary people just wanting to make a difference.



This looks horribly made.


Japenese is my gender aside from that, this looks like a good movie!

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thanks Bush!


I' m hear because of da mumkey

I only clicked on this video because I knew what I was going to see in the comments. @newfoundjoy: New Day by Kate Havnevik.  wow that's.some respect your showing for this bald headed toothless bossy booted cow of a woman who murdered her sister,after the victorious battle of the spanish armada this vile pampered little bitch condemned thousands of men to death by refusing them to leave their ships and were stuck in harbour dying of starvation and disease (estimated 6-8,000) the ones left were then discharged with out pay showing a contrast to the spanish giving assistance by the spanish government to its surviving men.