gosakusufu's Ownd


2019.02.16 05:04


➙➟➠ download : stream DeRay Davis: How to Act Black ⇦⇦⟸





when white people say “trying to act black,” they really just mean ignorant.

Meanwhile Kanye and Kim are somewhere in Uganda 🇺🇬 Africa while they asses is being roasted here 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Watching from Kenya 🇰🇪


He could have roast Cardi and nikki .,. #womenrights

Hoes twerking, a wack comedian wearing an ugly outfit with a pickaninny haircut? OH YEAH! GOOD TIME! I love Negroes!


I love how he comes to life just talking about the title of his show! Cute 😏

10 people there

An excellent performance, black comedian & mainly black audience, I expected a black oriented show. He rose above that and delivered an excellent, unbiased, funny take on events that often divide people. At times putting black people before a mirror, the audience loved him and I admire him for his balanced view on those events..

Deray is the Roaster, i started watching Wildn'out because of him and Kat.



Ive seen deray through out my whole life and every time I’ve seen him he has made me laugh

Y is this his funniest bit ever😳🤦🏽‍♀️

These artirst s won't come to BET awards but always run to that white people Grammy awards

He look like a lost Bennett brother

Club man!!!😂

I love him😍😂😂😩

D.T. in Dawg Territory Watch Full tamil Solar Movies

deyre23m Deray 🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏 FIRST COMMENT. 2PAC BLASPHEMY https://youtu.be/26QPmUHN7N8 Ice Hole https://ameblo.jp/teichikashi/entry-12440089684.html.

Naga’s don’t wear Maga 😂😂😂 Follow me Datsmycousin Only 9 stars because there's a bit too much profanity for my taste, but rest assured every bit is poignant and hilarious. Where so many are quick to blame everyone else, he reminds us that we're all partly responsible for the tragedies in life. Definitely a must watch, in my opinion. I hope he releases more specials in the future, because I'd really like to see where he goes next!.

'The sidechick over there 😂😂😂😂😂 Drake never is at the awards but he is the richest rapper in the game one of them. https://ameblo.jp/okimerui/entry-12440251536.html. Drake is Irish ask Conor Embarrassing 😂😂