Marunouchi Street Gallery

Clean & Neat
/ 背筋が伸びる街
The west side of Tokyo Station terminal is called Marunouchi area.

It's a home to hundreds of global companies & luxury brands flagship stores. As it's adjacent to The Imperial Palace, streets are nicely designed & always spotlessly clean.

Some say it's just a boutique & office district, but it's not at least for me, thanks to a variety of events held throughout a year & different styles in architecture.
Marunouchi Street Gallery
/ 丸の内ストリートギャラリー
And what's being held now is "Marunouchi Street Gallery", where some unique objects by prominent artists are on display.
Those artistic, stylish works even more stand out against a background of area's urban fashionable vibes.
As they're lit up in the evening, it also could be interesting to photograph their different faces during the daytime & night.