Ameba Ownd




2019.05.07 04:49

博士号でも生活困難 非常勤から抜け出せない「貧困ポスドク」の実態

心身障害の学生 5年で2・5倍に…担当者配置など支援進む

What medicine can teach academia about preventing burnout

Pay rises for US faculty members remain low for third year in a row

How small changes to a paper can help to sm

ooth the review process

Male researchers’ ‘vague’ language more likely to win grants

Female physicists make slow academic headway in the United States

Seven ways scientists handle technology challenges in resource-poor settings

Working Scientist podcast: Slack, and other technologies that are transforming lab life

Breastfeeding mums are finally getting spaces to pump at some US institutions

Why scientist-mums in the United States need better parental-support policies

Shake-up at NIH: Term limits for important positions would open new opportunities for women, minorities

Singing for science

My singing and research were at odds-until I restored the harmony between them

Scientists’ grant writing styles vary by gender. That can lead to bias