ruvenlaihendau's Ownd

install SnipNotes.torrent on 10.11.6

2019.05.24 12:40

Main category:

Sub category: Productivity

Developer: Felix Lisczyk

Filesize: 26419

Title: SnipNotes


You can use both versions on as many devices as you like. Apple doesn’t provide a way to bundle iOS and Mac apps into a single purchase yet, unfortunately.

For that reason I keep looking at other note taking apps that border on the mini-word processor. SnipNotes is a notes taking app with a few unique features which make it more valuable than Bear, more usable than Notes, and notably different than typical Mac, iPhone, or iPad notes apps. SnipNotes looks like Notes but doesn’t act like notes.

by jarvis vsn on 2016/02/02 18:53

App Wrapper is available today from the Ohanaware online. There are 3 pricing options:

Your Mac will begin copying the installation files from the flash drive. This may take up to 30 minutes.

Still a few little bugs but developer tries very hard to fix everything assp! I use it multiple times a day, it is extremely useful.

High Sierra

Best on High Sierra

SyncMate allows syncing personal data like contacts and calendars, media files (music, videos, playlists, images), folders with files, bookmarks, and more. The main advantage of SyncMate is that it syncs data directly between applications on Mac and supported devices and accounts, not just saving it as a backup file. With SyncMate one can mount devices as Mac disks, manage mobile texts on Mac, and lots more.

My Apps

SnipNotes 2.0 offers a new design and over a dozen new features, which expand the app's note-taking capabilities and intelligence features. Some of the highlights include:

1 year ago | 2 comments | | Score: 36 Reddit

The text cursor should no longer jump to the end of a note when switching between apps

What’s new in App Wrapper version 3.8: The headline feature of this update is the new “Application Diagnostics” function, designed to check an application against 120 App Store rejection reasons, 70 potential code sign failures and critical issues, 37 possible improvements and when wrapping will auto fix 20 different kinds of issues. This function is based upon our PTE4 wrapping engine, which will debut in a future version of App Wrapper.

• „Favorite notes“ have been renamed „Pinned notes“. The star symbol has been removed. The note icon is now tinted instead

SnipNotes Serial Key Free crashed immediately on OS X El Capitan (10.11) Thank you for the quick reports and sorry for the inconvenience!

| 30646 kb | Full

1.5.2 SnipNotes aNX


Recomended Mac

| 22984 kb | App

vers.1.5.9 SnipNotes dqKv


Language Spanish

| 27211 kb | Keygen



Version 10.13

| 26154 kb | Update

1.5.9 SnipNotes wUucX


to Sierra

| 30381 kb | Latest

ewpu27 version 1.0.2 SnipNotes


Version on MacBook Pro

| 27739 kb | Full



Mac Pro

| 26683 kb | Full

f0VQSA v 1.0.1 SnipNotes


Spanish version

Featured! version

[16119 KB] 4.6.2

Version El Captan

[42850 KB] 2.18

New! version

[10579 KB] 3.3.2



[11694 KB] 2.0.2