tokyo:as it is

Akina Nakamori / Desire

2019.06.21 14:00

How many of you know this 80's Japanese diva? 

She is Akina Nakamori, the singer who left a huge impact on J-pop scene & has been respected by so many followers who made a debut after her.



What was so special & unique to her? The most notable was her fashion & stage production on music TV programs.

特にこの"Desire" という大ヒット曲、曲自体も強烈な印象を放っていますが、やはり注目は彼女のヘアスタイル・衣装ではないでしょうか?1986年にこのスタイルは相当尖っていたのではないかと思います。

Some might argue this, but I personally see her as Japanese Gaga or Cindy Lauper for her conceptual performance & great skills to express her emotions.


If you put her in today's J-pop scene, more fashion-oriented artists or more skillful singers can be easily found. She did these great performances 33 years ago, however, when the word J-pop didn't even exist.


I hope you guys enjoy watching these videos finding some characteristic J-popness leading to Perfume or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu today.

改めてこの二本の動画を見て、Perfume やきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅに繋がる要素を感じたのと同時に、椎名林檎さん辺りも影響を受けているのかな?と思いました。