YosUke HaRaDa

New information June 28 2019

2019.07.04 22:36

This is information from Rapt 

Rapt is center in this era 

He was training more than 25years 

God decided he is center 

Rapt is taking from God’ information on the net every day

Righteous people in Japan is listening 

Every day 

Rapt said

Satan and humansatan Illuminati attacked

Righteous people 

But They could not destroy us

So Satan get very upset to Illuminati 

Satan decided to attack Illuminati from

June 28 2019

So Illuminati becomes sick

Some Illuminati feels very bad then die themself 

God said so by Rapt on the net

World will change from now

You will see the miracle 

You can’t believe I am saying yet

but you will see world changing 

So you will believe 

Thank you

Why God is working very hard now❓
