How to make Earthquake ❗️
Human can make Earthquake now
Many earthquake happen after 1995
Big human made Earthquake occured in JP
Human made Earthquake technology was successful at this time

Difference of natural earthquake or human made Earthquake ❗️
Wave is different
Human made Earthquake has no small wave
Because they use pressure
Suddenly MAX shaking happen ❗️

This blog (RaptBlog) shows
Earthquake wave data
It is Japanese
but you can see wave data
Please Check 🔽
They dig hole at first
・Geological survey
・survey of gas 、oil reserves
We can dig maximum 10km=6mile
Then they use pressure
3typeあs of pressure
・hydraulic impactor
・Air gun
Plate will be shaking
Earthquake happen
Japanese emperor and Rothschild in US
Same roots they are team
So Earthquake in US
It is unusual big earthquake happen only Japan
So Rothschild made Earthquake in US
And Indonesia
Many reasons to make Earthquake
・get ground to make city
・Threat another power in same country
Like Rothschild and rockfeller
・unusual only japan earthquake happen
So they made Earthquake around the world
Thank you watching this information
This is human made Earthquake
We must know the truth
Let’s destroy the Illuminati