YosUke HaRaDa

cancer is lie people are killed by surgery & medicine

2019.07.08 22:11

Fullsong is here        🔽

Center will be better naturally 


Why doctor kill people by cancer ⁉️

Cancer will be better naturally 

But doctor surgery & medicine 

Then die at hospital 

It is same as Ebola fever

Ebola fever is nothing but people are killed 

by Ebola vaccin

This is way to kill people by Illuminati 

Japanese go to hospital alot

So die by cancer increase 

American don’t go hospital 

So decrease die by cancer 

Because people are killed by surgery & medicine at hospital 

Anticancer medicine is made by 

mustard gas

WHO use snake for symbol

Snake mean SATAN

Dragon is old snake 

It is Satan too

So why hospital kill people by cancer⁉️

Top of medical association is Satanist 

They have to give sacrifice people for Satan

Cancer is legal sacrifice for Satan 

Satanist gave sacrifice people to Satan long time ago

It is still doing 

This is reason for killing people by cancer 

Rothschild is Satanist 

Strong power In US and world

This is George Washington

First time president of USA 

Same pose Satan Baphomet 

Illuminati in US 

Rothschild workship Satan 

Same pose

They respect Satan 

OK  I am taking about cancer is lie

Do not go hospital by cancer

You will be killed

This is true information 

Thank you

See you again