

2019.07.09 16:34

<研究者目指したけれど 大学非常勤講師らの嘆き>(上) 1年契約、弱い立場


学生と飲酒や個別接触ダメ 就活セクハラ、企業の対応策

点字毎日:大学門戸開放70周年 進学と職域開拓の歴史 20日、日本点字図書館で講演会

How I lost my identity - and embraced a new one

Use peer support to improve well-being and research outcomes

Queer voices in palaeontology

How a decision-analysis tool helped one scientist couple make some tough career choices

NASA changes how it divvies up telescope time to reduce gender bias

My nine steps to success as a PhD student in Nigeria

Nature is proud to support Pride in STEM

Universities show their true colours in court

One Ph.D., hold the pastries

Committee members shouldn’t expect Ph.D. students to serve coffee and pastries