台湾ギターフェスティバル Taiwan Guitar Festival
【9/11 Wed】
9:30~13:00 Master Classes by E.Fernandez, S.Fukuda, José A.Escobar, Y.Ohagi
19:30~ OPENING CONCERT of TIGF2019 [National Recital Hall]
【9/12 Thu】
9:30~13:00 Master Classes by E.Fernandez, S.Fukuda, José A.Escobar, Y.Ohagi
14:00~16:40 Master Classes by Leo Brouwer
16:30~ Registration (Members of Guitar Ensemble)
17:00~18:20 Guitar Ensemble Class by Leo Brouwer
【9/13 Fri】
9:30~12:10 Master Classes by Leo Brouwer
13:30~14:50 Guitar Ensemble Class by Leo Brouwer
【9/14 Sat】
9:30~10:50 Guitar Ensemble Class by Leo Brouwer
19:30~ Concert [Cuban Landscape “Homage to living legend LEO BROUWER”]
Asian Guitar Orchestra, Conductor/Leo Brouwer [KHS Hall]
【9/15 Sun】
9:30~11:10 Master Classes by Leo Brouwer
14:30~ The Retrospective of Maestro LEO BROUWER [National Recital Hall]